valentine cards

valentine cards

FBI Warning: Valentine 'e-Cards' Could Spread Computer Virus
First Coast News
From cyberspace, we can send and receive 'e-Valentine-Cards.' An email instructs the recipient to click a link to 'get' your card, and a few clicks later ...

Workers Warned Over Sending Valentines Cards
Glasgow Daily Record
WORKERS who send Valentine cards to colleagues could find the dole queue instead of love. Lawyers issued a warning yesterday after a social networking site ...

Court dodgers sent Valentine's card warnings
A police force has sent Valentine’s cards to 160 bail dodgers in a bid to encourage them to hand themselves in, it revealed today. ...

Vintage Valentine's Day cards tell their own stories
Rock Hill Herald
By Mary Jo Balasco · The Herald Annie Laura and Jack Owens hold one of the vintage valentine cards that Annie Laura collects. Standing on her tip toes, ...

Awesome World of Warcraft Valentine's cards
Pwn your geeklove this Valentine's day with this collection of oh-so-printable WoW Valentine's cards that you would never find in any store.

Online Valentine's cards may have virus
The Federal Bureau of Investigation is warning folks who may be looking for love in all the wrong places about receiving unexpected electronic Valentine's cards. Turns out there might be a good chance it.

Valentine is inculcated at age six and seven when little children write valentine cards to the opposite sex in the whole class, I take that back, the mothers write the cards, and I was one of them, I was told this was an American ...

Free Printable Valentine's Day Cards
Free printable templates for children's Valentine's Day cards.

Valentine's Day Cards, Free Valentine's Day Ecards, Valentine's ...
Send free Valentine's Day cards, Valentine's Day ecards and online Valentine's Day greetings to all your friends and loved ones to express your feelings of ...

Valentine's Day Cards: Coloring Pages for Kids -
Kids can get creative with our printable Valentine's Day cards. Simply choose the size, print them out and color. Happy Valentine's Day!

Valentines Day eCards,Valentines Day Cards,Valentine Greetings ...
Send free Valentines Day cards,Valentines day kisses,Valentines day hugs and lots of other Valentines day ecards to your valentine and express your love.

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