Christmas Trivia Question

Christmas Trivia Question
Christmas Trivia Question

Christmas Trivia Question is listed below.

- How many reindeer pull Santa's sleigh?

- What Color is Santa's belt?

- What were Frosty-the-Snowman's last words?

- What Christmas song contains the line: "Sing, choirs of angels, sings in exultation"?

- On what day of the year do holiday sales peak?

- In "A Charlie Brown Christmas", who builds a gray snowman?

- How many "geese a-laying" did my true love give to me?

- What did the Grinch use to pull his sleigh?

- What do they call their Christmas gift bringer in Chile?

- In "A Christmas Carol", what song does the caroler sing outside Scrooge's office?

- What state has a city named "Santa Claus"?

- In what period did 25 December become the traditional day to celebrate Christmas?

- What country has St Nicholas as its patron saint?

- What weather condition gets its name because it starts just after Christmas?

- When is Advent Sunday?

- Which famous Christmas story begins 'One dollar and eighty-seven cents'?

- Who sang 'White Christmas,' in the 1942 film 'Holiday Inn'?

- In which year did Cuba reinstate Christmas, to celebrate a visit from the Pope?

- How many gifts would you receive if you received all of the gifts in the song "The Twelve Days of

- In the song "Winter Wonderland", who do we pretend the snowman is?

- In the traditional song, "Go Tell It on the Mountain", what are you suppose to go tell on a

- True or False: Joseph was the one that told Mary she was going to have a baby.

- What best selling Christmas song did Gene Autry record in 1951?

- Which American President barred the Christmas Tree from being displayed in the White House?

- What kind of glass Christmas ornament has to be found first on the Christmas tree?

- What are the names of Santa Clauses eight reindeer, as named in Clement Moore’s poem “The Night
Before Christmas”?

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