Atheists believe in god?
The Creation “Museum” visit gets noticed
Not all of the right-wingers at Free Republic are creationists. Some of the “Freepers” mixed it up after an item was posted on the visit by PZ Myers and 300 other nonbelievers to Ken Ham's pseudoscientific exposition. As one of them said, “The word museum is in quotes in the title thread with good reason.” A more devout Freeper responded with a biblical quote (of course):
Same old (yawn) debate.What is this, exactly? Proof by contradiction? You say No, so you must mean Yes? (These guys must be great fun on a date.) He says he “studied” the evidence. Does that mean he didn't?
Atheists make a determined choice to disbelieve in God. I've studied their "evidence." It's not evidence. It's mere guesswork.
That said, I guess I'll defer to Solomon: "The fool hath said in his heart, 'There is no God.' They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good." (Ps 14:1)
They're just not very good people and of necessity have chosen to reject God so as not to impede their sinful choices.
Why would we care what any such people think about God?
The truth is, they instinctively know God exists. Why else would they spend so much time trying to convince everyone He does not exist?
16 posted on Sunday, August 09, 2009 6:54:04 AM by LouAvul
I think it's perfectly all right to mock something that doesn't exist. (Sarah Palin's intellect comes to mind. Or William Kristol's correct predictions.)
One additional little point, though, Mr. Freeper: Solomon does not get credit for the book of Psalms. Believers attribute the psalms to King David, Solomon's licentious father.
Of course, by saying “Solomon” maybe you meant “David.”