Something to make me Smile

Smiling and making others smile
It’s my life’s motto
No one recognizes the pain behind
I’d never let others know.

Searching for a heart that loves me the best
Need a person who calls me close friend.
I can’t hold a second position
I don’t want to be a substitute.

Got many, everyone left
I smiled without regrets
World says it’s my fault
May be I’m the culprit.

Many gave me good company
But now I hate
As I realize everything is fake
As it has only a tone of compassion.

Every one leaves me
For a new destination,
For reviving old ones,
Come back happily to say ‘bye’.

I’m blessed with many good names
Bold, cute, caring,
Sweet, sincere and lovable.
No one leaves me without a smile.

Every time a person departs,
I’ll stay till he/she is out of sight.
What if they return with a smile and say,
Oye teddy bear! Just kidding! How can I leave you?

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