A course of miracles

The clarified Real Catholic

Michael Voris has noticed that his call for the United States to become a Catholic dictatorship has provoked some criticism. He is unmoved by the attacks on his divinely inspired support for a popish theocracy, although he issued a mild “clarification” in his latest video: He admits that he should have said “Catholic monarchy” instead of “benevolent dictatorship.”
Western civilization would be better off if it were a Catholic monarchy.
Surely that will still the voices of his critics, no?


Most of us don't appreciate how perfect life was under Their Most Catholic Majesties Ferdinand and Isabella in Inquisition-era Spain. And we've all but forgotten the idyll that was Mary Tudor's reign as England's beloved “Bloody Mary.”


Mr. Voris, who glories in the academic initials S.T.B. after his name (Sacred Theology Baccalaureate: he graduated from college!), disavows any revolutionary intent.
The point wasn't to publicize a battle plan for overthrowing the secular humanist government.
No, indeed not. Voris just wants us to realize that we are already living under the “Dictatorship of Relativism,” (which he says is a phrase he borrowed from Pope Benny Hex).

That's right: Our benevolent dictatorship of relativism—which provides neither fear, surprise, efficiency, nor nice red uniforms (and certainly not an almost fanatical devotion to the pope)—allows us relative (tee hee) freedom in choosing our personal philosophies and ethical perspectives. We are forced to make up our own minds on a wide range of things.

The boot heel of such tyranny grinds us down!

Michael Voris just knows we would be better off under the “freedom” of a one-size-fits-all Catholic ethos, a sort of papal Snuggy (but I presume all of them would be bright red; it stands to reason).

As someone who is himself quite mild-spoken, I can appreciate how offended Voris was by the language used by some of his critics in the atheist community. (Go to 1:52 in the video.)
It only takes a couple of postings for all of the vile to come spewing forth.
I think he means “bile.”

This is from a man who calls us “the vocabulary-challenged atheist set.” Unfortunately, he used this phrase immediately after decrying “course language,” which is the [sic] way he expressed it on screen.


There's something Voris appears to have missed in the invective and criticism directed his way after his crazy endorsement of benevolent dictatorship. It appears to me that his critics are not so much upset as they are ... amused. Voris is cosmically and comically stupid. He would be regarded as a joke even at a teabagger rally. Most of us are ridiculing him rather than lashing out in anger. That's what the pointing and laughing are about, Michael, if you need a clue. You are so out there on the fringe that you're in danger of falling off the edge of the earth.

I mean, you do believe in the edge of the earth, don't you? Of course you do!

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