A Red Castle Fairytale

I and my friend Soumya planned to attend Peevees Model School’s annual day. I’ve to stay back at home for some unavoidable reasons. Thanks to local city channel, I’d watch the programs live. My brother, who attended the program, told me Peeveeites from all batches were there. I felt I really missed it out.

Peevees is a nostalgia. A melancholy, where words disappear making it so emotional to describe. I’m committed to that institution for all that I have achieved. It is my strength, power and weakness; a world of joy, happiness and understanding.

The Red castle seems to me like a fairytale. When I see a shot of that building made of red bricks or the school van, I get stuck. I’d been with Peevees when it was a hut. I was also there when it moved to the present ‘red fort’.

Even the teachers and students who left the school love to call themselves in the label of Peevees. All known faces left the institution, the royal uniform has changed; still it is the same playground that taught me how the world is!

When my friend asked me whether I can recognize the face of performers, I simply replied, “I know no one. But I can proudly call them my siblings as we share the same family name PEEVEEITES”.

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