Interview With Michael Williams & Senator Rand Paul PODCAST

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Michael Williams is a Commissioner on the Railroad Commission of Texas, which regulates the oil and gas industry. It is the state’s oldest regulatory agency. Elected statewide three times, he was elected to complete an unexpired term in November 2000. In November 2002 and 2008, they re-elected him to full six-year terms.

Aspects of My Life

“Most lives have defining moments.” For me, it was the period between 1967 and 1971. I learned I could compete, could succeed and had value.

Senator Rand Paul

Senator Rand Paul, M.D. has been married for 20 years to the former Kelley Ashby, who is originally from Russellville, Kentucky. Rand and Kelley have three sons: William, 18; Duncan, 14; and Robert, 11.

Dr. Paul and his family live in Bowling Green, where Rand owned his own ophthalmology practice and performed eye surgery for 18 years.

Rand is the third of five children born to Carol and Ron Paul. He grew up in Lake Jackson, Texas and attended Baylor University. He graduated from Duke Medical School in 1988. Dr. Paul completed a general surgery internship at Georgia Baptist Medical Center in Atlanta and completed his residency in ophthalmology at Duke University Medical Center. Upon completion of his training in 1993, Rand and Kelley moved to Bowling Green to start their family and begin his ophthalmology practice.

In 1995, Rand founded the Southern Kentucky Lions Eye Clinic, an organization that provides eye exams and surgery to needy families and individuals. Rand is a former president and 17 year member of Lions Clubs International, which is dedicated to preserving sight by providing eyeglasses and surgery to the less fortunate around the world. In recognition of his outstanding and sustained efforts to provide vision care to Kentuckians in need, Lions Clubs International has awarded Rand many of its highest commendations.

In addition to his work with the Lions Clubs, Dr. Paul has provided free eye surgery to children from around the world through his participation in the Children of the Americas Program.

A large part of Rand's daily work is dedicated to preserving the vision of our seniors. In 2002, The Twilight Wish Foundation recognized Rand for Outstanding Service and Commitment to Seniors.

Rand is a devoted husband and father. He regularly volunteers to coach teams for each of his three sons in Little League baseball, soccer, and basketball. Rand and Kelley have been members of The Presbyterian Church since 1993, where Kelley currently serves as a Deacon. Rand is a hard-working, dedicated physician, not a career politician. His entrance into politics is indicative of his life's work: a desire to diagnose problems and provide practical solutions.

He pledges to work every day in the U.S. Senate at reforming government and ending business as usual here in our nation's capital.


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