The President and his party’s leaders continue to use blatant falsehoods in attacking the House Republicans’ plan to protect and save Medicare VIDEO
In a web video last week, House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan made clear: “Washington has not been honest with you about Medicare.” Nonpartisan, independent fact checkers agree.
Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, the new chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee, is the latest leading Democrat to distort and demagogue the only plan put forward that saves Medicare. Earlier this week, Wasserman Schultz falsely stated that seniors would be denied coverage under the Republican plan. This statement has no basis in fact, as made clear by a round of fact checkers:
- “We rate her statement False” (Debbie Wasserman Schultz says Ryan Medicare plan would allow insurers to use pre-existing conditions as barrier to coverage – 6/1/2011)
- “She is simply wrong…” (DNC Chair Throws Truth to ‘Wolves’, 5/31/2011)
The Fact Checker, Washington Post: Even an expert cited by the DNC called the comment “high-octane idiocy” (Wasserman Schultz’s bogus claim that the GOP Medicare plan will ‘throw you to the wolves’ – 6/1/2011)
- “President Barack Obama misrepresented the House Republicans’ budget plan” (FactChecking Obama’s Budget Speech – 4/18/2011)
- “President Barack Obama has been hammering away at Rep. Paul Ryan’s Medicare proposal, misrepresenting what it would mean for seniors.” (Obama Misrepresents Ryan Plan – 4/22/2011)
- An attack ad by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee is “a major exaggeration,” and given a “PANTS ON FIRE” rating (Democrats say Republicans voted to end Medicare and charge seniors $12,000 – 4/18/2011)
- “Charges over Medicare have kicked into high gear” (Checking the attack lines on Medicare, 4/20/2011)
The Fact Checker, Washington Post: Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius “should be ashamed” (Kathleen Sebelius’s outrageous claim that cancer patients would ‘die sooner’ under the GOP Medicare plan – 5/9/2011)
The President and leading Democrats cut over $500 billion from Medicare, raiding Medicare to fund Obamacare;
The President and leading Democrats empowered a panel of 15 unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats in Washington to cut Medicare, restrict access and deny benefits for current seniors;
The President and leading Democrats, by refusing to work together to save this program, are committing Medicare to a bankrupt future.
Stops the President’s raid on Medicare, repeals the President’s unelected Medicare board, and rejects the President’s commitment to Medicare’s bankruptcy.
Ensures no changes for those 55 or older. Seniors should not be forced to reorganize their lives because of government’s mistakes.
Offers a strengthened, personalized Medicare program that future generations can count on when they retire.Future beneficiaries would be empowered to choose from a list of guaranteed coverage options, similar to the system now enjoyed by Members of Congress, with less support for wealthy seniors and more support for those with lower incomes and greater health risks. These reforms are rooted in past bipartisan efforts to save Medicare.
By encouraging true choice and competition, our plan is to give future seniors the power to deny business to inefficient providers. By imposing price controls and rationing, their plan is to give government the power to deny care to current seniors.
TEXT CREDIT: Committee on the Budget: U.S. House of Representatives 207 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515
VIDEO and IMAGE CREDIT: HouseBudgetCommittee