Rick Perry made the following statement regarding Internet sales tax language included in Senate Bill 1

Texas is on the Right Path

Gov. Rick Perry made the following statement regarding Internet sales tax language included in Senate Bill 1, the omnibus fiscal matters bill, which is set to be debated in the Texas Legislature:

"I urge lawmakers to remove the Internet sales tax language from SB 1. I believe this provision risks significant unintended consequences, including a loss of Texas job opportunities and weakening of our state's competitive advantage. I will not put Texas job creation efforts in jeopardy, particularly as we continue to feel the effects of a challenging national economy. In the debate between jobs and taxes, I side with jobs.

"As I said when I vetoed similar language in a stand-alone bill, my strong preference is to conduct a thorough policy discussion with Texas lawmakers, consumers, retailers and technology experts - and with other states and even the federal government - about interstate commerce and the structure of state sales taxes in the 21st century."

"This conversation is underway, and I believe a consensus can and should be reached that balances competing interests, respects federalism, and is fair and equitable. I call on the Legislature to review this issue further before changing Texas tax policy, while we reach out to our federal delegation and friends in other states to build consensus on the appropriate way to address this issue."

TEXT CREDIT: Office of the Governor • P.O. Box 12428 • Austin, Texas 78711 • (512) 463-2000

IMAGE CREDIT: Texas Governor Rick Perry on Flickr

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