John Boehner “Where Are the Jobs?” Statement on June Unemployment Report .

WASHINGTON, DC (Jul 8) House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) today released the following statement regarding the latest unemployment figures released by the U.S. Department of Labor:

“The American people are still asking the question: where are the jobs? Today’s report is more evidence that the misguided ‘stimulus’ spending binge, excessive regulations, and an overwhelming national debt continue to hold back private-sector job creation in our country. Legislation that raises taxes on small business job creators, fails to cut spending by a larger amount than a debt limit hike, or fails to restrain future spending will only make things worse – and won’t pass the House. Republicans are focused on jobs, and are ready to stop Washington from spending money it doesn’t have and make serious changes to the way we spend taxpayer dollars. We hope our Democratic counterparts will join us and seize this opportunity to do something big for our economy and our future, and help get Americans back to work.”

NOTE: Read the statement signed by more than 150 economists that says, “An increase in the national debt limit that is not accompanied by significant spending cuts and budget reforms would harm private-sector job growth…” And learn more about the Republican blueprint for job creation at Jobs.GOP.Gov.

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The House stood with the American people and rejected the Obama Administration’s plan to raise the debt limit without spending cuts – a plan that would hurt our economy and destroy more jobs. Today Speaker Boehner released a statement signed by more than 150 economists who argue that – to help address our job-crushing, spending-driven debt crisis – budget reforms and spending cuts should be larger than any increase in the debt limit. Read it here:

Economists: Spending Cuts Should Be Larger Than Any Debt Limit Hike

TEXT and EMBED CREDIT: Speaker of the House John Boehner Contact H-232 The Capitol Washington, DC 20515 P (202) 225-0600 F (202) 225-5117

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