Friendship Day Poem

Friendship Day Poem

i categories the Friendship Day Poem into following groups:

- Best Friends Poem
- Broken Friendship Poem
- Funny Friendship Poems
- Short Friendship Poem
- Sorry Friendship Poem
- Thank You Friend Poem

A. Best Friends Poem

1. For My Best Friend

Friendship is something to hold on to
But for me that's not the case
Cause I don't feel I need to keep
Something that can't be erased

I am sure of what I have
Cause with you I have no doubt
For what we've built, can't ever fail
It's what I care about

I find it hard to describe
This thing that we share
Especially when there's nothing else
That ever could compare

Others always know
That together we will be
For there can never be another
"Tani and Kerrie"

Those two words, known all over
Might as well be one
Cause without a Kerrie, there is no Tani
I'm sorry, it just can't be done

For you're the "U", and I'm the "S"
And forever that will be
Cause together we make "US", and so
You complete me!

2. Through Your Eyes

I want to see through your eyes
To see why you hurt and rain
Only then I will understand
What gives you so much pain

I want to beat through your heart
To know what makes it bleed so much
A heart so divine and pure
Why it cries out for a simple touch

I want to live in your thoughts
To know what are your dreams
I want to breathe in your agony
And hear your silent screams

I want to hear your unspoken words
To know what you feel each moment
I want to heal all your wounds
And set you free from the torments

So let me in and see your darkness
Show me why your world so cold
Give me your hands
I will walk you through sunshine
And give my all to make you whole

3. Best Friends Poem

When I cry, you are there to help me out
When I am happy, you are there to hear me shout
When I grin you know that I am really mad
You can always tell when I am sad
You are the best friend I have ever had!

You are there with me through thick and thin
You offer a helping hand when I am dim
You patiently listen when I want to talk
You tell me I am good even when I have been bad
You are the best friend I have ever had!

So hear me out when I say
You are the light in my day
You are the moon in my night
That made my life so bright
With you I am always glad
You are the best friend I have ever had!

B. Broken Friendship Poem

1. Gone Away

I think you’re gone away
And I don't know what to say...
I pushed you back from my sadness
I guess I can blame it on myself...
I pried and pried...
I shook my head no!
I now know where your hole would have lie...
Days and weeks of silent cries...
I apologize to you...
I apologize to myself...
I let another one go...
Slowly and quietly you stroll
With my heart our friendship...
I can put you in my collection...
Dust you every once in a while
Smile and remember...

2. Its All My Fault !!!

I’m stuck in a hole,
No one there,
People walk past.
And don’t even care.

I’m a loner,
And that’s what I don’t like,
It makes me sad, angry,
And it makes me cry.

I’m crushed,
Head to toe,
I’m so sad,
It makes me mad.

You left me,
Your living me for ever,
Why you doing this to me,
My life is in ruins now you’ve gone.

I’m sat on my own,
No one to pick me up.
I lie here thinking,
It’s all my fault.

3. A Perfect Friend

I thought I found that "Perfect Friend."
A friend that would always be by my side until the VERY end.
I thought I saw for once that I treated you right but I checkec again with my sight.
I thought you weren't like the rest but like before, you failed the test.
I thought we coud be the Best of Friends again for at least a bit,
But you decided its best to quit.
I thought I can live my life with that one "Perfect Friend' to help guide my way at Just the right time
But once again the life I want cannot be mine.
I thought when I would look left or right you would be there by my side.
Now that we are moving on the time will come that God will give me that "Perfect Friend"
But how long will I last until my heart is shattered glass again?

C. Funny Friendship Poems

1. You And Me

You and me
I know you are the angle
So, I saw year by year
Day by day
And Now, I even forget your like
Your pain and the strange smile
I hope you stand by me
Always, forever
You and me
Are the world

2. Friendship

My careful heart was free again-
O friend, my bosom said,
Through thee alone the sky is arched,
Through thee the rose is red,
All things through thee takes nobler
And look beyond the earth,
The mill-round of our fate appears
A sun-path in thy worth.
Me too thy nobleness has
To master my despair;
The fountains of my hidden life
Are through thy friendship fair.

D. Short Friendship Poem

1. Short Friendship Poem

I can talk with a friend
And walk with friend
And share my umbrella
In the rain

I can play with a friend
And stay with a friend
And learn with a friend
And explain

I can eat with a friend
And compete with a friend
And even sometimes disagree.

I can ride with a friend
And take pride with a friend
A friend can mean
So much to me!

2. Thank You Friend

You were like a sister to me when no one else cared
You heard me calling when I was in despair
You even held my hand and helped me to face my fear
You take great care of me and let me know your there
Thank you for always been sincere

3. My Friend

The wind blows away
The young childish memories we once had
Now semi grown up
You appear to have the world at it's knees
We used to be a team
But the separation of years
Has made us turn in different direction

4. Keep Your Friendship Going

Friends are supposed to be there for you
When your feeling blue
But they aren't supposed to
Break your friendship between you and them
I think you should stand for yourself
And don't let them keep you down
Tell them how you feel
Just believe that you can keep your friendship
Going and I hope you make it forever

E. Sorry Friendship Poem

1. Sorry Friendship Poem

True friendship is a gift
Oh so precious and so rare
Sometimes we take it for granted
Sometimes we do despair

Our fault is being human
Mistakes are everywhere
Please let me not lose the gift
That is so precious and so rare.

2. I'm Sorry

I'm sorry if I hurt you,
In that really awful way.
So lets make up and forget
About what I did that day.
I'm really sorry.
I promise I won't do it again.
So, can we be friends from now on.

3. Welcome Mat

I'm sorry
We fell out
Over something
As silly as that.

Don't become
A stranger
Since there's a
Welcome out
On the mat.

4. Sorry

S ome people hurt us and never apologise for their actions.
O ur response to that can be a reaction to that rejection.
R ighting a wrong must begin with some kind of a justification.
R econciliation can follow on after this consolation.
Y ou and I need to be healed from the hurt is the realization.

5. I'm Sorry

The phrase "I'm Sorry" you may agree
Has turned into a social amenity
We say "I'm Sorry" more than Brenda Lee
Which was a hit song for her back in 1960.

You may not want to acknowledge the damage you've done
The pain that you've brought to spouse, daughter or son.
But if you've done wrong you must see the light
To take a pro-active step to returning things right

There will remain feelings that you can't erase
Lost time and memories that you can't replace
Because of your actions now nothings the same
Take a look in your mirror and know that there's blame.

Maybe those words are one's you won't do.
They may not exist in your new age point of view.
Or, don't want to hear the anger, it might make you blue
It's easier to leave your loved ones hurt and askew.

Just saying I'm sorry is not all it takes
No magical words to make gone the mistakes
Begin the road back with those words from your heart
They do not mark the end but maybe a start.

Your family's your bond like no other glue.
A great family we had, can we renew?
Deep in your heart you know what to do.
If I can say "I'm sorry" then I think you can too.

F. Thank You Friend Poem

1. Thank You For Your Friendship

Thank you for your friendship and your love.
However life may turn, this gift will be
A mountain that has made my river bend,
Nor will it flow the same way to the sea.
Knowing you is something I'm made of.
Years will not this part of me remove.
One lives for just a brief eternity,
Understanding truths that never end.

2. Special Thank You

No one likes going to school
Or following all the rules

But you made it enjoyable and fun
To the point that I dreaded it being over and done

This once was only a dream to me
Then you gave me the key

You are a true educator
With a positive influence that made me an achiever

Not only that but this has been way overdue
This little poem to say a special thank you!

3. Thank You For Who You Are

Thank you for you: for who you are,
However far away;
And for the words you send to me,
Near mad for what you say.
Knowing simply that you're there,
Yet thinking much of me,
Opens up my happiness,
Undone for all to see.

4. To Me Your Life Has Been an Inspiration

To me your life has been an inspiration.
Happiness is mine because of you.
As a mountain shows our destination,
Never, in its grandeur, lost from view,
Know that you have been my moral guide.
You have shaped the one I am inside,
Opening my heart with your affection,
Underlying all I say and do.

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