Georgia on my mind
Shocking Republican behavior
My mother was angry at Tom Ridge: “What kind of idiot goes around saying there's nothing we can do about the Russian troops in Georgia?”
I admitted to being nonplussed: “Did Ridge say that? I didn't hear that myself. But no wonder you're mad at him. Republicans aren't supposed to tell the truth. It violates their most sacred traditions.”
Mom glowered at me, but she had the bit in her teeth and charged forward: “Even if everyone knows we can't do anything, you don't go around admitting it!”
“Well, if everyone knows, it's not as though he spilled any beans. Anyway, it's totally obvious. Bad foreign policy has stretched us thin and Russia is fully aware of it. We can whine and complain, but that's all we can do.”
“It's not the president's fault that our troops are in Iraq. If we hadn't gone in there, Saddam would still be in power. How would you like that?”
If it meant my cousin would still be alive, I'd like it fine. Shall we ask his parents what they think? Instead of saying it aloud, though, I bit my tongue. After a moment, I launched a different and less personal barb:
“I wonder if the press is going to ask questions about the foreign agent on McCain's campaign staff?”
“What is that supposed to mean?”“John McCain has a registered foreign agent on his campaign staff. His foreign policy advisor has been a paid lobbyist for Georgia, trying to smooth its way to NATO membership. I wonder what assurances Randy Scheunemann has been giving to the president of Georgia? Did he imply to Saakashvili that he could count on U.S. support if he sent troops into South Ossetia? Everyone keeps saying that an emergency in foreign affairs will benefit the McCain campaign, even though I'm not sure I believe that. But did Scheunemann believe it? Did he see a chance to start one by encouraging Saakashvili to invade South Ossetia?”
“That makes no sense. Ossetia is part of Georgia! A country can't invade itself!”“I certainly don't want to push the analogy too far, Mom, but do you think the people of the state of Georgia would have agreed with you as Sherman came marching into Atlanta? Different Georgia, I know. But the point is that Saakashvili set this off when he sent troops into the South Ossetia province. Russian troops were already there as peacekeepers because the province has been rebellious in the past. A deal was brokered by the international community to calm the situation and Russia provided the troops to police the peace agreement. That's the apple cart that Saakashvili overturned. It gave the Russians the perfect excuse to move in more troops and take over the province.”
“But I thought Russia invaded Georgia.”
“Russia certainly has invaded Georgia, Mom, but the Russians didn't really start this. The government of Georgia did. But it's complicated. I'm sure the version you saw on Fox News is simpler and breaks things down into good guys versus bad guys. That's pretty convenient, isn't it? We should all be grateful for simplified news from Fox.”
Mom did not look grateful, but I think it was my mockery of her beloved Fox News that sparked her lack of gratitude.