LC, R.I.P.

The old order passes

LC knew that he was dying.

We're all dying, of course, but LC had the constant reminder of the oxygen tanks. His lungs were dying faster than the rest of him, but they were going to take him along on their journey into the darkness. LC had no good way to overrule them.

LC had weighed his options and done the math. By husbanding his strength and taking it easy, he could look forward to a few more years of fairly comfortable living, the oxygen tanks notwithstanding. By risking a lung transplant, he might last a little longer. But maybe not. And the regimen of anti-rejection medication would compromise his immune system and put him at risk of being carried off by some opportunistic infection. He conferred with his wife and they agreed. LC would play out the hand dealt to him.

It worked for a few years. He faded gradually, with periods of stability, as his unpredictably progressive condition eroded his lung function in fits and starts. When the end came, though, it came suddenly and without much warning. He stopped breathing and stopped living in the middle of 2008.

I became friends with LC back in the eighties, when home computers were new and exciting and fun. That was the time when personal computer owners would gather together in their Apple clubs, PC user groups, and Mac organizations. LC was one of the few “computer consultants” I knew for whom the label was not just a euphemism for “under-employed nerd.” He was actually making a living at it and not simply cruising on his wife's income from her job in the financial sector.

Many of us geeks and nerds were envious—especially the poseurs who had made their own business cards from heavy paper they'd run through their dot-matrix printers. LC was a genuine professional and we looked up to him.

I had occasion to work with LC in both volunteer and professional capacities. He was a pillar of our computer club who combined both expertise and affability in a package that was all too uncommon within our ranks. I relished the time we spent together because his badinage was not limited to the unsubtle geek-speak of the day. LC was the soul of wit, and most excellent company.

When LC and his wife decided it was time to retire and move to southern California, they folded their tent and left without fanfare. By that time, however, we were no longer in frequent contact. The local computer club scene was a faint shadow of its past (the glory days when Bill Gates would come out in person to San Francisco or Sacramento or Berkeley) and that had been our primary area of common interest. Computers and math, that is, since we both held math degrees, but people don't normally gather to chat casually about math. He was also a rabid car fancier and enthusiastic dog lover, but I was less interested in fast cars or furry pets.

It was easy to stay in touch, though, and we kept up an e-mail correspondence that faded in and out over the years. LC was privy to the identity of the pseudonymous Zeno and would sometimes send me gentle private messages about various typos or other egregious mistakes in my posts. He also brought my attention to the circle puzzle, which we agreed was delightfully misleading.

In March, LC informed me circumstances had taken a turn for the worse:

Although I'm feeling fine, my lungs are giving out at a fairly rapid rate. I can walk no more than 50' without having to stop for breath, even with my oxygen set to the maximum flow I can carry (6 lpm). I am now enrolled in an in-home hospice program, although I'm much healthier (or at least more ambulatory) than most of their patients. They don't know quite how to deal with me. For example, I insisted on switching oxygen vendors because the one they normally deal with doesn't carry the size tanks I like to carry around in a backpack when my wife and I go out to lunch, meetings, movies, etc.

We aren't in denial; we're simply living each day as if there were a bunch of them lying ahead.
I sent him some lame words of encouragement. He wrote back saying that he was still checking out my blog periodically:
I've begun making it a habit to check your blog every week or two, although I don't generally read anyone else's (aside from infrequently skimming the Daily Kos).

I consistently come away in awe of how eloquently you write, and how you make choosing exactly the right word seem so effortless. You also seem to find subject matter in a wide variety of places, and you link contemporary and long-past events in unexpected ways.

I recognize that high-end novelists can craft words carefully, but I've always assumed they did so rather slowly, with many rewrites and edits. I cannot imagine someone tossing off beautiful prose like yours as casually—and presumably quickly—as you do, especially not as an uncompensated hobby.

I consider myself a decent writer and a first-rate editor, but reading your stuff makes me want to throw away my Crayolas. Thanks for pointing me to your musings.
That left me glowing with pride, since I had a high opinion of LC's prose style and regarded kind words from him as coin of the realm. I sent back my effusive thanks. Then I quickly excerpted his second paragraph and posted it in the blog's sidebar under Testimonials. LC soon noticed:
I see I've gotten my own 15 minutes of fame. I can now claim the distinction of having been cited in a blog testimonial without ever having written line one of my own blog. Does that make me a meta-blogger?
No question about it.

The last message I received from him was in May, when he asked me whether John Allen Paulos's Irreligion was worth reading. I suggested he spend his time on more profitable material.

And that was it. The next e-mail was from his wife, reporting he had died quite quickly and without much warning. Or, to look at it another way, with years of warning, but no specificity. She closed her message with these words:
We've known for 4 years that he was terminal, so have had time to plan, do fun things, retire early, and just enjoy each other. Not everyone has such a peaceful ending.
So here's to the end of 2008, the year of LC's departure, and to the good friend that he always was.

And is.

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Speaking truth to priesthood

Clutch the beads

My godchildren are a curious pair. The elder, my nephew, is a cheerfully lapsed Catholic who acceded to his fiancée's desire to be married in her Protestant church (to the scandalization of his parents and grandparents). When I agreed to be his baptismal godfather thirty years ago, I had no serious qualms. The younger, my niece, was born a few years after her cousin, by which time I was no longer a practicing Catholic. However, they didn't ask and I didn't tell when the possibility of my being her baptismal sponsor was raised. It would have been more awkward to decline than to accept, so I became a godfather for the second time.

Unlike my godson, my goddaughter is a good little Catholic, steeped in the family's simplistic obedience to Church authority. She remembered me at Christmas with a packet of candies, into which she had slipped a small bag containing a mini-rosary. It's a puzzlement. What does she hope to achieve with this holiday gift?

It's not a secret from the family that I am not a practicing Catholic. My parents no longer bother to drag me along to mass with them when I am staying at their home during holiday visits. It's just a little surprising, since I don't object to tagging along. Visits to my hometown church give me a chance to see people and sights I seldom see. And I swear that I do not chuckle aloud during the sermons. It's just an outing—like going to the zoo.

Besides, my eyes do not make noise when I roll them.

There was a time when I would have been delighted with a mini-rosary. When I was a child enrolled in parochial school, the rosary loomed as a grueling endurance contest. A full-fledged rosary contains five groups to ten beads (“decades”). Each of the fifty beads represents a recitation of the Hail Mary. The decades are separated by beads representing recitations of the Our Father (the Lord's Prayer). Monsignor, our school's principal, conceived the bright idea of inculcating regular devotion to the rosary by distributing little pledge cards. We were supposed to fill in our names and write down the frequency with which we would promise to pray the rosary.

I was horrified. The rosary was stultifying and mind-numbing. Fifty-three repetitions of the Hail Mary. Six Our Fathers (and the mini-prayer known as the Glory Be). I found it excruciating.

I slowly and carefully printed my name on the pledge card, postponing the fateful moment of commitment. Finally, though, my pencil was hovering over the line where I was supposed to fill in my promise. It would have been easy to lie, but I had a very well-formed conscience in those days. The lie would have plagued me forever, but a truthful commitment would get me off the hook after a brief pang. I wielded the pencil:

1 rosary per month

That was reasonable. I could do that. It wouldn't be fun, but it was feasible. My conscience was clear.

Monsignor never mentioned it to me. He was probably too shocked to comment. And I kept my pledge, too. For about two months.

If only we had had mini-rosaries!

Pass the bread, please

And the jam

In the touchy-feely decade of the seventies, just when the experimentation inspired by Vatican II reached a peak, the Newman Center associated with my university was celebrating communion under both kinds (bread and wine) by passing around a basket of bread and a clay chalice of wine. The bread was a loaf from which communicants tore a fragment before passing it along to the next recipient. It was all very low key and natural.

I haven't been a communicant since the eighties, so I'm not completely up to date on current practice, but I have been aware that the casual practices of the seventies have increasingly been stamped out. Traditional Catholic standards for communion demand unleavened wheat bread (sorry, gluten-sensitive Catholics; all hosts contain at least some wheat gluten, but you can offer up your suffering as penance).

Although there are multiple sources for ritually correct communion wafers, the biggest contemporary supplier of holy bread is the Cavanagh Company of Rhode Island. The Cavanaghs are Catholics, but they sell their wares to various Protestant denominations as well. The New York Times featured the Cavanagh Company in its Christmas Eve edition with an article carrying the byline of Katie Zezima. She quotes the company's general manager, Andy Cavanagh, making a statement that is doctrinally correct, but potentially provocative as well. In the absence of a sharp retort from professional Catholic bully Bill Donohue, it may be that Andy will not be struck down by righteous wrath:

“We feel as though we’re a bakery, and all we’re making is bread,” said Andy Cavanagh, the company’s general manager, and part of the fourth generation of Cavanaghs to work here. “It’s not that we don’t have respect for what happens to it, but that transformation is out of our hands and takes place in a church. The best thing we can do is make sure the bread is perfect in every way possible.”
It's just a business, folks. It's not Jesus until the priest puts the magic in. Of course, it still looks like bread, tastes like (not very good) bread, and digests like bread, but it's Jesus until you've assimilated it (and no later than that, since we can't very well have people pooping Christ; that would be disrespectful).

Even non-Catholic customers praise the Cavanagh Company's wafers, although they don't believe that it ever really turns into Jesus, as most (just barely) Catholics do:
Some customers say the Cavanaghs have such a big market share because their product is about as close to perfect as earthly possible. “It doesn’t crumb, and I don’t like fragments of our Lord scattering all over the floor,” said the Rev. Bob Dietel, an Episcopal priest.
Indeed not. If Jesus were scattered all over the floor, we'd run the risk of stepping on him and showing him the shoe-sole disrespect that is properly reserved for George W. Bush.


My latest euphemism

A gift horse in my mouth

The orthodontist peered into my mouth and poked at my retainer.

“Hmm,” he said. “This could use a bit of activation.”


“What's ‘activation,’ Doc?” I asked. “Some kind of term of art that orthodontists use?”

The orthodontist grinned at me (he had nice teeth). He plucked the retainer from my mouth and picked up a pair of stainless-steel needle-nosed pliers.

“It means your retainer can use some tightening.”

He tweaked the retainer's wire with his pliers and fit it back in my mouth.

“Feel okay?”


I was breaking in a new retainer. My old one no longer fit because I had neglected to wear it after a couple of crowns installed by my dentist made it difficult to wear. The new retainer was supposed to coax my teeth back into better alignment, too, since they had drifted a bit during the retainerless years. Hence the periodic tightening. I mean, activation.

My colleagues at school were delighted with my newly discovered euphemism. Even the humor-impaired felt inspired to try their best:

“I like to get activated on Friday night.”

“I'm staying on my diet until my belt needs activation.”

“My students think I'm an activated grader.”

“I like babes in activated jeans.”

“Hey, if you're inhibited, will people say you have an activated ass?”

Hey yourself, guy. That last one didn't work at all. If you're not an orthodontist, beware of trying to use their lingo.

New Years Eve Party

New Years Eve Party
New Years Eve Party

The latest New Years Eve Party Tickets London.

Egg New Years Eve
Limited early bird tickets available – save £’s. Don’t miss out.
£35.00 + bk fee

Moondance New Years Eve
This is London's Biggest NYE Event. This is Moondance!
£35.00 + bk fee

KOKO Presents: Club NME NYE
Reverend And The Makers plus special guest band and DJs.
£27.50 (first 100), £32.50 after

Cargo NYE: Horse Meat Disco
What better way to look back on an incredible year.
£35.00 + bk fee

Blitz Revisited New Years Eve
Steve Strange live PA and DJ set at Red Rooms.
£45.00 + bk fee

Infernos New Years Eve
Dig out your biggest afro wig and head off to Clapham.
£20 each + bk fee

Ibiza Underground NYE
FREE DRINKS ALL NIGHT! Oh, and a Superstar DJ headliner.
From £100.00 + bk fee

Speed Dater Black Tie Ball
Celebrate in style this New Years Eve at this exclusive event.
£149.95 + bk fee

Casino Etrange NYE
An evening of mischievous fun and games.
From £35.00 + bk fee

Monte Carlo Masquerade Ball
The glitz and glamour of Monaco's sexiest city in the heart of Chelsea.
From £40.00 + bk fee

Blag Club NYE
Exclusive View special offer. Buy nine tickets, get the tenth one free!!
£10.00 + bk fee

MV Mercia New Years Eve
Enjoy the capital's famous fireworks show from the Thames.
£80.00 + bk fee

Good Times New Years Eve
Norman Jay MBE brings his Good Times to The Forum.
£25.00 + bk fee

Eastern Electrics NYE
Eastern Electrics sees in New Year with another stellar line up.
£16.00 + bk fee

Roof Gardens NYE
Venetian Masked ball.
£95.00 + bk fee

New Years Eve At Rumi
Celebrate New Years Eve in style.
£40.00 + bk fee

The White Party On The Beach
Head to the beach this NYE.
£50.00 + bk fee

Envy NYE: Hollywood Glamour
A red carpet event... Guaranteed to sell out.
£30.00 + bk fee

Embassy London New Years Eve
This will be the most exclusive party in London this NYE.
£45.00 + bk fee

funkybuddah NYE
Celebrate New Years Eve in Style
£50.00 + bk fee

Smartie Partie New Years Eve
Expect big name DJs at this big name venue. N1 to Scala.
£25.00 + bk fee


New Years Eve 2008

New Years Eve 2008
New Years Eve 2008

New Years Eve 2008 feature for cities around Australia.

- Brisbane new years eve is centered on Brisbane River but events are all over Queensland

- Perth new years eve is all over town and Swan River. See some of the events for Perth

- Adelaide New Years Eve is where Adelaide goes off. Adelaide

- Hobart on the Apple Island and is the end of the Sydney Hobart yacht race.

- Darwin in the Territory really enjoys the New Year festivities.

- Canberra and ACT parties.

- Melbourne and Vic parties.

- Sydney and NSW parties.

New Years Eve 2009

New Years Eve 2009
New Years Eve 2009

The New Years Eve 2009 Events / New Years Eve 2009 Tickets / New Years Eve Parties at:

New York City New Years Eve 2009

Hotel Gansevoort New Years Eve
18 9th Ave | New York NY 10014
New Year's Eve 2009 at Hotel Gansevoort - Celebrity Guests
Hosted by Perez Hilton & Entourage's Emmanuelle Chriqui
#1 Event in the Country!!

LQ Nightclub - Cash Bar in Midtown
511 Lexington Ave | New York NY 10017
MTV New Year’s Eve w/ Midtown's ONLY Cash Bar
Music by DJ Cipha Sounds, Hosted by Donnie from MTV's Making the Band - **Rated Best Party in Manhattan for 2009**

Hudson Terrace New Years Eve
621 West 46th St | New York NY 10036
Rated NYC's Trendiest Event Space - #1 Rooftop Nightclub

Cipriani Wall Street New Years Eve
55 Wall Street | New York NY 10005
New York's Most Elegant Venue - Five Stars, Five Diamond New Year's Eve Event

Eden New Years Eve
27 Park Place | New York NY 10007
NYC's ONLY 18+ NYE Celebration | 8 Hr Open Bar | Hosted & Music By: Untouchable DJ Drastic

Hawaiian Tropic Zone Times Square New Years Eve
729 7th Avenue | New York NY 10019
ALL VIP PARTY - #1 Rated Nightclub in Times Square - HTZ New Years Eve

Bourbon Street New Years Eve
346 West 46th Street | New York NY 10036
Mardi Gras Themed New Years Eve @ Bourbon Street

Side Bar New Years Eve
118 East 15th Street| New York NY 10003
New Years Eve 2009 at Sidebar NY - 6 Hour Top Shelf Open Bar

Upper West Pour House New Years Eve
982 Amsterdam Ave | New York NY 10025
Cheapest Ticket in Town - 19 Plasma Screens Counting Down to '09 Cash Bar Option & Cheapest OPEN BAR Ticket IN THE CITY

Touch New Years Eve
240 West 52nd Street | New York NY 10019
New Year's Eve 2009 in the heart of Times Square at Touch Nightclub - Best Bottle Service Club of 2008

Gallery Bar New Years Eve
120 Orchard Street | New York NY 10002
New Year's Eve 2009 at Gallery Bar

Runway (CASH BAR) New Years Eve
4 East 28th Street | New York NY 10001
Why Pay More II? featuring MTV's Cipha Sounds at Runway

Webster Hall New Years Eve
125 E 11th St | New York NY 10003
New Years Eve Ball 2009 @ Webster Hall - 4 Floors, 10 DJ's, Biggest Club in NYC- Live Performance by Lady GAGA

TG Whitney's New Years Eve
244 East 53rd Street | New York NY 10022
NYE 2009 at TG Whitney's - Best Deal in NYC - NYCs Best Irish Bar

Sequoia New Years Eve
89 Fulton St (Pier 17 at S St Seaport) | New York NY 10038
New Year's Eve 2009 on the Water - Watch the East River Fireworks from the best Vantage Point

Columbus 72 New Years Eve
246A Columbus Ave | New York NY 10023
New Year's Eve 2009 at Columbus 72 - Most Sophiscated Club on The Upper West Side

Vintage Irving New Years Eve
120 East 15th Street | New York NY 10003
New Years Eve Pre Fixe Dinner Event (6pm-8pm)

Latin Quarter New Year's – Featuring DJ Kassanova
511 Lexington Ave | New York NY 10017
Latin Quarter's 2009 New Year's Eve Celebration – OFFICIAL NOCHELATINA EVENT

Elevate New Years Eve
390 8th Avenue at 30th Street | New York NY 10001
Club Elevate - New Years Eve Grand Opening

Capitale New Years Eve
228 Grand St @ Bowery | New York NY 10003
New Year's Eve 2009 at New York City's Most Elegant Venue

Mansion New Years Eve
530 West 28th Street | New York NY 10001
The Biggest, Boldest and Most Bodacious Extravaganza in Manhattan. Live Large!

The Plumm New Years Eve
246 W 14th St | New York NY 10011
Noel Ashman invites you to New Years Eve 2009 at The Plumm

49 Grove New Years Eve
49 Grove Street | New York, NY 10014
New Years Eve 2009 at 49 Grove

Element New Years Eve
225 E Houston St | New York NY 10002
New Year's Eve 2009 at Element

Dave & Buster's Times Square New Years Eve
234 West 42nd Street | New York NY 10036
Celebrate with All Your Friends (Under 18 Allowed)

The Jewel Cruise New Years Eve
Skyport Marina, East 23rd St & FDR Drive | New York NY
Rated New Year's Eve 2009 #1 Premier Pleasure Yacht. Bright City Lights, Big City Views!

Marquee New Years Eve
289 Tenth Avenue | New York NY 10001
New Year’s Eve 2009 at the Most Exclusive Club in Manhattan

TenJune New Years Eve
26 Little W 12th St | New York NY 10014
New Year's Eve 2009 at TenJune

Tavern on The Green New Years Eve
W 67th St & Central Park West | New York NY 10023
New York City's #1 Spot for New Year's Eve 2009

Southern Hospitality New Years Eve
1460 2nd Ave | New York NY 10075
New Years Eve 2009 at Southern Hospitality

Stir New Years Eve
1363 First Ave | New York NY 10021
#1 Rated Upper East Side Lounge - New Years at Stir

Pink Elephant New Years Eve
527 West 27th Street | New York NY 10001
New Year's Eve 2009 at Manhattan's Most Exclusive Nightclub

Hotel Gansevoort South Beach New Years Eve
2377 Collins Ave | Miami FL 33139
New Years Eve at Gansevoort South - #1 Rated Hotel in Miami for New Years Eve - TI Performing LIVE - Wilhelmina Models - DJ Cassidy and DJ Behrouz

Hilton Miami New Years Eve
5101 Blue Lagoon Dr | Miami FL 33126
DANCE! DANCE! DANCE! - New Years Eve at The Miami Hilton

Louis Bar Lounge New Years Eve
2325 Collins Ave | Miami FL 33139
NEW YEARS EVE 2009 at LOUIS Bar Lounge

Mansion New Years Eve
1235 Washington Ave | Miami Beach FL 33139
New Years Eve 2009 @ Mansion with Lindsay Lohan and DJ Samantha Ronson

Dave and Busters Miami New Years Eve
11481 NW 12th Street | Miami, FL 33172
Dave and Busters Mardi Gras Miami

SET New Years Eve
320 Lincoln Road | Miami Beach FL 33139
Victoria's Secret’s Anne V and sounds by DJ Miss Nine at SET for a Very Sexy NYE Celebration.

Prive New Years Eve
136 Collins Ave | Miami Beach FL 33139
New Years Eve 2009 @ Prive

Opium Garden New Years Eve
136 Collins Ave| Miami Beach FL 33139
Ciroc presents DJ Khaled & Friends at Opium Garden

Space New Years Eve
34 NE 11th Street | Miami FL 33132
Flyin' Into 2009 Space New Years Eve

Cameo New Years Eve
1445 Washington Ave | Miami Beach FL 33139
Cameo Presents New Years Eve 2009 Simply Fabulous

BED New Years Eve
929 Washington Ave | Miami Beach FL 33139
New Years Eve at B.E.D. hosted by AnnaLynne McCord of the CWs 90210

Raleigh Hotel New Years Eve
1775 Collins Ave | Miami Beach FL 33139
Susanne Bartsch Presents a Burlesque New Years Eve at The Raleigh

Karu & Y New Years Eve
71 NW 14th St | Miami Beach FL 33136
The Official Playboy New Years Eve Party at Karu- Y

Sobe Live New Years Eve
1203 Washington Ave | Miami Beach FL 33139
SoBe Live New Years Eve Celebrity Bash 2009.....stay tuned...

Champange Fireworks Cruise Club Party New Years Eve
4441 Collins Ave | Miami FL 33140
Champange Fireworks Cruise / Club Party

The Fifth New Years Eve
1045 5th Street | Miami Beach FL 33139
The 400 Club At The Fifth New Years Eve 2009 Hosted By Meagan Good

Mokai New Years Eve
235 23rd Street | Miami Beach FL 33139
Mokai Presents Platinum Ball New Year's Eve 2009

Las Vegas New Years Eve 2009

Hawaiian Tropic Zone Las Vegas New Years Eve (Planet Hollywood)
3570 Las Vegas Blvd S | Las Vegas NV 89109
Rated #1 New Years Eve Event in Las Vegas on the strip

Risque New Years Eve (at Paris Hotel Resort Casino)
3655 Las Vegas Blvd S | Las Vegas NV 89109
New Years Nation 2009 with DJ Jazzy Jeff at Risque

Pure New Years Eve (inside Caesars Palace)
3570 Las Vegas Blvd S | Las Vegas NV 89109
New Year's Eve 2009 at Pure

LAX New Years Eve (at The Luxor Hotel)
3900 Las Vegas Blvd S | Las Vegas NV 89109
New Year's Eve 2009 at LAX with the Kardashian Sisters (Kim, Kourtney, Khloe Kardashain will be hosting)

V Bar New Years Eve (Inside the Venetial Resort Hotel Casino)
3355 Las Vegas Blvd S | Las Vegas NV 89109
New Year's Eve 2009 at V Bar (Inside the Venetial Resort Hotel Casino)

Rain New Years Eve (at The Palm Hotel Casino Resort)
4321 W. Flamingo Rd | Las Vegas NV 89103
Rain New Years Eve Featuring Paul Oakenfold

Playboy Club New Years Eve (at The Palm Hotel Casino Resort)
4321 W. Flamingo Rd | Las Vegas NV 89103
New Years Eve Spectacular - Hosted by Kid Rock

Christian Audigier Nightclub New Years Eve (at Treasure Island)
3300 S Las Vegas Blvd | Las Vegas NV 89109
Heidi Montag & Spencer Pratt Host New Years Eve at Christain Audigier

Prive Las Vegas New Years Eve (at The Planet Hollywood Resort Casino)
3663 Las Vegas Blvd S | Las Vegas NV 89109
New Year's Eve 2009 at Prive Las Vegas

Ghost Bar New Years Eve (at The Palm Hotel Casino Resort)
4321 W. Flamingo Rd | Las Vegas NV 89103
On top of the Palms Casino Resort in Las Vegas, NV

Moon New Years Eve (at The Palm Hotel Casino Resort)
4321 W. Flamingo Rd | Las Vegas NV 89103
New Years Eve 2009 Spectacular @ Moon inside The Palm

Lavo New Years Eve (Inside the Palazzo Resort Hotel Casino)
3325 Las Vegas Boulevard S | Las Vegas NV 89109
New Year's Eve 2009 at Lavo

TAO New Years Eve (Inside the Venetial Resort Hotel Casino)
3355 Las Vegas Blvd S | Las Vegas NV 89109
New Year's Eve 2009 at TAO

Tryst New Years Eve (at The Wynn Hotel Resort Casino)
3131 Las Vegas Blvd S | Las Vegas NV 89109
New Year's Eve 2009 at Tryst

XS New Years Eve (at The Wynn Hotel Resort Casino)
3131 Las Vegas Blvd S | Las Vegas NV 89109
XS New Year's Eve 2009 inside The Brand New Encore Hotel at Wynn

Cathouse New Years Eve
3900 Las Vegas Blvd | Las Vegas NV 89109
New Year's Eve 2009 at Cathouse

Drais New Years Eve
3595 Las Vegas Blvd S | Las Vegas NV 89109
New Year's Eve 2009 at Drais

Blush New Years Eve
3131 Las Vegas Blvd S | Las Vegas NV 89109
New Year's Eve 2009 at Blush

Diablo's Cantina New Years Eve (Inside Monte Carlo Hotel and Casino)
3770 Las Vegas Blvd. South | Las Vegas NV 89109
New Year's Eve at Diablo's Cantina

Mist New Years Eve (Inside Treasure Island)
3300 S Las Vegas Blvd | Las Vegas NV 89109
New Year's Eve 2009 at Mist

The Beatles REVOLUTION Lounge New Years Eve (Inside the Mirage)
3400 Las Vegas Blvd South | Las Vegas NV 89109
New Year's Eve 2009 at Blush

The Bank New Years Eve (Inside Bellagio Hotel and Casino)
3600 Las Vegas Blvd South | Las Vegas NV 89109
The Bank New Year's Eve with Usher

JET New Years Eve (Inside Mirage Resort & Casino)
3400 Las Vegas Blvd. South | Las Vegas NV 89109
JET NYE with Donnie Wahlberg and Danny Wood of New Kids on the Block

Studio 54 New Years Eve (Inside the MGM Grand Hotel and Casino)
3799 S. Las Vegas Blvd | Las Vegas NV 89109
New Year's Eve 2009 at Studio 54

Caramel Bar & Lounge New Years Eve (Inside Bellagio Hotel and Casino)
3600 Las Vegas Blvd South | Las Vegas NV 89109
New Year's Eve 2009 at Caramel Bar & Lounge

Tabu New Years Eve (Inside the MGM Grand Hotel and Casino)
3799 S. Las Vegas Blvd. | Las Vegas NV 89109
New Year's Eve 2009 at Tabu

Body English New Years Eve (Inside the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino)
4455 Paradise Rd | Las Vegas NV 89169
Body English New Year’s Eve Bailout with guest DJ Benji Madden and $25,000 in cash prizes

Los Angeles New Years Eve 2009

The Wiltern New Years Eve
3790 Wilshire Blvd | Los Angeles CA 90010
New Years Eve 2009 with Travis Barker and DJ AM

Giant Maximus New Years Eve
835 Francisco St. | Los Angeles CA 90017

Social Hollywood New Years Eve
6525 Sunset Blvd | Los Angeles CA 90028
21st Annual New Year’s Eve Ball 2009

Les Deux New Years Eve
1638 N Las Palmas Ave | Los Angeles CA 90028
New Year's Eve 2009 @ Les Deux

Paramount Pictures Studio Backlot New Years Eve
5555 Melrose Ave | Los Angeles CA 90038
Gridlock New Year's Eve 2009 with Katy Perry

Central Parc New Years Eve
6683 Hollywood Blvd | Los Angeles, CA 90028
:: 2009 New Years Eve at Central - Parc:

Vanguard Hollywood New Years Eve
6021 Hollywood Blvd | Los Angeles CA 90028
Epic All Access New Year's Eve 2009 @ Vanguard Hollywood

West Lounge & Restaurant New Years Eve
170 N. Church Lane | Los Angeles CA 90049
New Year's Eve 2009 in LA at West Lounge & Restaurant

Opera and Crimson New Years Eve
1650 Schrader Blvd | Los Angeles CA 90028
New Year's Eve 2009 @ Opera Crimson Lounge

LAX New Years Eve
1714 Las Palmas Ave. | Los Angeles CA 90028
LAX New Year's Eve 2009 Celebration

80s Club Addiction New Years Eve
9559 E. Imperial Hwy | Downey, CA 90242
80s New Years Eve 09 Los Angeles

The Kress New Years Eve
6608 Hollywood Boulevard | Los Angeles CA 90028
2009 New Years Extravaganza at Kress The Kress

Forbidden City New Years Eve
1718 Vine St | Los Angeles CA 90038

Avalon New Years Eve
1735 Vine Street | Hollywood CA 90028
New Year's Eve 2009 @ Avalon

J Lounge New Years Eve
1119 S. Olive St. | Los Angeles, CA 90015
New Year's Eve 2009 @ J Lounge

Hyde New Years Eve
8029 W Sunset Blvd | Los Angeles, CA 90046
New Year's Eve 2009 @ Hyde Lounge

Omni Los Angeles Hotel New Years Eve
251 S Olive St | Los Angeles, CA 90012
A Night with Chikezie - New Year's Eve!

The Highlands New Years Eve
6801 Hollywood Blvd | Los Angeles CA 90028
New Year's Eve 2009 in Hollywood at The Highlands

Area New Years Eve
643 N La Cienega Blvd | Hollywood CA 90068
New Year's Eve 2009 @ Area

Apple Lounge New Years Eve
665 N. Robertson Blvd. | Hollywood CA 90069
New Year's Eve 2009 @ Apple Lounge

The Abbey New Years Eve
692 N Robertson Blvd | Hollywood CA 90069
New Year's Eve 2009 @ The Abbey

Foxtail New Years Eve
9077 Santa Monica Blvd. | Hollywood CA 90069
New Year's Eve 2009 @ Foxtail

Key Club New Years Eve
9039 Sunset Blvd | Hollywood CA 90069
New Year's Eve 2009 @ Keyclub

ecco New Years Eve
1640 N Cahuenga Blvd | Hollywood CA 90028
New Year's Eve 2009 @ ecco

Ritual New Years Eve
1743 N Cahuenga Blvd | Los Angeles CA 90028
Hollywood CARNIVAL New Year’s Eve 2009

Element New Years Eve
1743 N Cahuenga Blvd | Los Angeles CA 90028
Hollywood CARNIVAL New Year’s Eve 2009

Green Door Cabana Club New Years Eve
1743 N Cahuenga Blvd | Los Angeles CA 90028
Hollywood CARNIVAL New Year’s Eve 2009

IVAR New Years Eve
6356 Hollywood Blvd | Los Angeles CA 90028

SBAR New Years Eve
6304 Hollywood Blvd | Los Angeles CA 90028
New Years Eve at KATSUYA & SBAR

Chicago New Years Eve 2009

Navy Pier New Years Eve
600 East Grand Avenue | Chicago, IL 60611
AEM 2008 New Year's Eve Gala w/ 103.5 KISS & RedEye Chicago

Hilton Chicago New Years Eve
720 S. Michigan Ave. | Chicago, IL 60605
New Year's Eve 2009 GOES GOLD

Wyn Hotel New Years Eve
633 North St. Clair | Chicago IL 60611
New Year's Eve 2009 SOIREE On the Magnificent Mile @ Wyn Hotel

Elm Street Liquors New Years Eve
12 W Elm St | Chicago IL 60610
Elm Street Liquors New Years Eve 2009 celebration

Spoon New Years Eve
1240 N Wells St | Chicago, IL 60610
Spoon Chicago New Years Eve 2009 celebration

Swissotel Chicago New Years Eve
323 East Wacker Drive | Chicago, IL 60601
New Year's Eve 2009 SOIREE - On Top of the Lake & River

NV Penthouse Lounge New Years Eve
116 W. Hubbard | Chicago, IL 60610
New Years Eve 2009 Celebration at NV Penthouse Lounge

Lumen New Years Eve
839 W Fulton Market | Chicago, IL 60607
Light Up Your New Years 2009

Uncle Fatty's Rum Resort New Years Eve
2833 N Sheffield Ave | Chicago, IL 60657
Ring In The New Year with Your Uncle!

The Drake Hotel New Years Eve
1240 N Wells St | Chicago, IL 60610
Chicago Scene New Years Eve Party

Philadelphia New Years Eve 2009

HYATT Regency - Penn's Landing New Years Eve
201 S. Columbus Blvd | Philadelphia PA 19106
4th Annual NYE Celebrity Style All Inclusive Gala

Hibachi Penns Landing on the Delaware River New Years Eve
325 N Columbus Blvd | Philadelphia, PA 19106
New Years Eve in Philadelphia on the River with the Fireworks!

The Crystal Tea Room New Years Eve
100 Penn Square East (9th Floor) | Philadelphia PA 19107
2nd Annual 12-Midnight New Year's Eve Celebration

The Bellevue New Years Eve
200 S. Broad Street | Philadelphia PA 19102
New Year's Eve Philly City Gala at The Bellevue

Regal Ballroom New Years Eve
5411 Oxford Avenue| Philadelphia PA 19124
Dance My Pain Away on New Years Eve 2009 at Regal Ballroom

DoubleTree Hotel New Years Eve
Broad & Locust Streets | Philadelphia PA 19107
The 6th Annual Broad Street Bash, Philly’s Unofficial Pre Mummers New Years Eve Party (The Best Upscale party deal in Philly)

Beat Street Station New Years Eve
4401 Cresson Street | Philadelphia PA 19127
Philadelphia's Largest Singles New Year's Eve Party

The Raven Lounge New Years Eve
1718 Sansom St | Philadelphia PA 19103
New Years Bash @ The Raven Lounge in Philly

Pearl New Years Eve
1904 Chestnut Street | Philadelphia, PA
Geishas & Glamour: New Years Eve at Pearl

23rd Street Armory New Years Eve
22 S. 23rd Street | Philadelphia, PA 19103
First Night Philly

Atlantic City New Years Eve 2009

The Pool at Harrah's Hotel & Casino
777 Harrah's Blvd | Atlantic City NJ 08401
New Year's Eve 2009 with DJ Klutch at The Pool at Harrah's Resort

40/40 Club Atantic City
2120 Atlantic Ave | Atlantic City NJ 08401
New Year's Eve 2009 at 40 40 Club in Atlantic City

The Pier Shops at Caesars Atlantic City
One Atlantic Ocean | Atlantic City NJ 08401
Beyond The Velvet Rope New Year's Eve 2009 @ The Caesars in AC

Boston New Years Eve 2009

Mantra New Years Eve
52 Temple PL | Boston, MA 02111
Mantra NYE 2009

Cafeteria Boston New Years Eve
279A Newbury Street | Boston, MA 02115
New Year's Eve 2009 at Cafeteria Boston

Hyatt Regency Ballroom New Years Eve
1 Ave. de Lafayette | Boston MA 02111
Boston's Biggest Baby Boomer New Year's Eve Ball

Westin Waterfront New Years Eve
425 Summer St | Boston MA 02110
Boston's Biggest NYE Event in the City's Most Glamorous Ballroom!

Rumor Nightclub New Years Eve
102 Warrenton St. | Boston MA 02115
Destination South Beach, Miami (Theme) @ Rumor

The Avenue New Years Eve
1249 Commonwealth Ave. | Boston MA
NYE 2009 @ The Avenue

Ivy Restaurant New Years Eve
49 Temple Place | Boston MA 02111
"Tour De Riviera" NYE 2009 @ IVY

The Foundation Lounge New Years Eve
500 Commonwealth Ave. | Boston MA
Le Fete Noir New Years Eve Party

Liberty Hotel 5th Floor Rotunda New Years Eve
215 Charles Street | Boston MA 02114
Global Gala New Years Eve Ball in Rome at The Liberty Hotel

Liberty Hotel Ballroom New Years Eve
215 Charles Street | Boston MA 02114
Global Gala New Years Eve Ball in Paris at The Liberty Hotel

Vinalia New Years Eve
101 Arch St | Boston MA 02110
Studio Rouge - New Year's Eve 2009

Venu New Years Eve
100 Warrenton St | Boston MA 02116
Sin City New Year's Eve in Boston

Revolution Rock Bar New Years Eve
200 High Street | Boston MA 02110
Cowboy Up, Cowgirls Down New Year's Eve

District Lounge New Years Eve
180 Lincoln Street | Boston MA 02111
Out with the OLD in with the NEW "Hollywood"

Whiskey Park New Years Eve
64 Arlington St. | Boston, MA 02115
"Somewhere in Aspen" New Year's Eve 2009

33 Restaurant and Lounge New Years Eve
33 Stanhope St. | Boston, MA 02115
Maui Tropical Paradise

Atlanta New Years Eve 2009

Tongue & Groove New Years Eve
2420 Piedmont Road | Atlanta, GA 30324
New Years Eve 2009 at Tonge & Groove

The Westin Hotel at Perimeter
7 Concourse Parkway | Atlanta, GA 30328
New Year's Eve 2009 in ATL at Perimeter

The Mark Ultra Lounge
79 Poplar Street | Atlanta, GA 30303
Poplife New Years 2009

Opera New Years Eve
1150 B Peachtree St | Atlanta, GA 30309

Bitmore Ballrooms New Years Eve
817 W Peachtree St | Atlanta, GA 30308
Spiral Entertainment's New Years Eve 2009

San Diego New Years Eve 2009

Marriott San Diego Del Mar New Years Eve
11966 El Camino Real | San Diego CA 92130
Fortune's New Years 2009 at the Del Mar Marriott

Hornblower Inspiration Yacht New Years Eve
1800 North Harbor Drive | San Diego, CA 62101
San Diego Yacht Party 2009

Hilton La Jolla Torrey Pine New Years Eve
10950 North Torrey Pines Road | La Jolla, CA 92037
New Years Eve Extravaganza 2009

San Francisco New Years Eve 2009

The Claremont Resort and Spa New Years Eve
41 Tunnel Road | San Francisco CA 94134
San Francisco Bay Area New Years Eve Winter Wonderland

Etiquette Lounge New Years Eve
1108 Market Street | San Francisco CA 94102
The 2009 NYE Bubble Bash

Terra Galleria Event Center New Years Eve
511 Harrison St | San Francisco CA
Biggest and Sexiest - World Famouz New Years Eve 09 at Terra

Hilton Concord Hotel New Years Eve
1970 Diamond Blvd. | Concord, CA 94520
Bay Area New Years Eve Party, Biggest & Best Elegant Celebration

Element Lounge New Years Eve
1028 Geary Blvd | San Francisco CA 94109

Fluid New Years Eve
662 Mission St | San Francisco CA 94105
New Years Eve 2009 - FLUID

Butterfly @ Pier 33 New Years Eve
Pier 33 | San Francisco CA

Eastside West Restaurant New Years Eve
3154 Fillmore St | San Francisco CA 94123

Suede New Years Eve
383 Bay St | San Francisco CA 94112
NYE 2009 7th Annual New Year's Eve In The City

Suite oneBone New Years Eve
181 Eddy Street | San Francisco, CA 94102
Paparazzi NYE With An All Night Open Bar At Suite one8one

Washington DC New Years Eve 2009

Tantra New Years Eve
707 G Street, NW | Washington, DC 22201
NYE 2009: A Farewell to George W. Bush!

Grand Hyatt Washington New Years Eve
1000 H Street Nw | Washington, DC 20001
The 9th Annual Downtown Countdown at The Grand Hyatt in DC

Mxxcciii/Spank New Years Eve
1223 Connecticut Avenue Nw | Washington, DC 20036

Hilton Alexandria Mark Center New Years Eve
5000 Seminary Rd | Alexandria VA 22311
2008-2009 New Year’s Eve James Bond Thunderball Gala

Eyebar New Years Eve
1716 Eye Street, NW | Washington, DC 20006
New Years 2009 Eyebar Lounge

Hilton Washington New Years Eve
1716 Eye Street, NW | Washington, DC 20006
New Year’s Eve Passport to the World Gala: Cities of Virtue and Vice!

Ultra Bar New Years Eve
911 F St. | Washington, DC 20003
Ultra New Year's Eve 2009

IndeBleu New Years Eve
707 G St NW | Washington, DC 20001
Chicago themed New Year's Eve party!

Tuscana West New Years Eve
1350 I St NW | Washington, DC 20005

Tuscana Lounge New Years Eve
1350 St NW | Washington, DC 20005
New Year's Eve at Tuscana Lounge

New Years

New Years
New Years

For the New York New Years Eve NYC, NY: NEW YEARS. is your source for New Year's Eve party listings, advance tickets, events, event promotion.

New Years Eve

New Years Eve
New Years Eve

New Years Eve the greetings from the co-organizers of New Year's Eve in Times Square. Every year as the clock nears midnight on December 31st, the eyes of the world turn once more to the dazzling lights and bustling energy of Times Square. Anticipation runs high. New Year's Eve at the symbolic center of New York City has become more than just a celebration - it's a global tradition. The world holds its breath...and cheers as the clocks strike twelve. As the famous New Year's Eve Ball descends from the flagpole atop One Times Square, an estimated one million people in Times Square, millions nationwide and over a billion watching throughout the world are united in bidding a collective farewell to the departing year, and expressing our joy and hope for the year ahead.

The ends justify the meanness

Those who will not see

A daily devotional is an inspirational reading devised to put a believer in an exalted state of mind for the day. Various religious groups churn out devotionals for the edification of their adherents. The Institute for Creation Research is no exception. The ICR's Days of Praise sprinkles its sayings with generous helpings of creationism. The entry for December 27, 2008, is a case in point. It dredges up entropy, the misconstruction of which is a favorite creationist ploy.

The devotional is attributed to the late Henry Morris, the flood geologist who is ICR's founder. Morris's words are supposed to be inspirational, but notice how aggravating they are:

Human life must eventually deteriorate and die; this declension cannot be reversed any more than water poured down on the ground can be “un-poured” up into the cup again.

This principle is the famous law of entropy (“in-turning”). Physical systems wear out; biological organisms get old and die; societies and empires fall and vanish. All these phenomena are local expressions of God's universal curse on man and all his dominion (Genesis 3:14-19). It applies to everything, without exception.
What was your reaction to the spilled water? Mine was the obvious one: Water does not stay spilled. It evaporates. The “un-spilling” is a leisurely but well-understood process. I smirked at Morris's obtuse analogy, but my jaw dropped when I continued reading. The next paragraph was the usual contrived Christian apologetics, but the one after that was stunning. Observe:
However, the very existence of the law of entropy points to a Creator, because systems that are wearing out must first have been made new, and beings that die must first have been given life. The very idea of a universal naturalistic evolution of all things into more complex systems is contrary to all real scientific data and is contradicted by all human experience.

Nevertheless, the God who created all things can surely “devise means” by which the law of decay can be set aside. Solar energy and the hydrologic cycle can raise the spilled water; the sinful life can be purified by God's grace and the blood of Christ; and the dead can be revived by the resurrection life of Christ.
Morris admits to the existence of the hydrologic cycle, but waves it off as God's little miracle for raising spilled water. He impresses the sun into service as the deity's magic engine (although he never deigned to notice the sun back when he argued that evolution was impossible because of the second law of thermodynamics). He hijacks a perfectly naturalistic explanation by imputing it to the hand of God. No doubt the law of gravity is just a metaphor for God's arduous labor of pushing the planets around their elliptical orbits.

There is a lesson for us in this installment from Days of Praise. The creationists are impervious to reason. If no natural explanation is known for a phenomenon, then God did it. If a natural explanation is known, then it is merely God's means for accomplishing his ends. It's a win-win technique for creationists while being lose-lose for rational thought and science.

How inspirational.

New Year Poem

New Year Poem
New Year Poem

New Year Poem is as follows:

Happy New Year To You

Happy New Year to you!
May every great new day
Bring you sweet surprises--
A happiness buffet.

Happy New Year to you,
And when the new year’s done,
May the next year be even better,
Full of pleasure, joy and fun.

New Year’s Reflections

Looking back on the months gone by,
As a new year starts and an old one ends,
We contemplate what brought us joy,
And we think of our loved ones and our friends.

Recalling all the happy times,
Remembering how they enriched our lives
We reflect upon who really counts,
As the fresh and bright new year arrives.

And when I/we ponder those who do,
I/we immediately think of you.

Thanks for being one of the reasons I'll/We'll have a Happy New Year!

Happy New Year Wish

My Happy New Year wish for you
Is for your best year yet,
A year where life is peaceful,
And what you want, you get.

A year in which you cherish
The past year’s memories,
And live your life each new day
Full of bright expectancies.

I wish for you a holiday
With happiness galore;
And when it’s done, I wish you
Happy New Year, and many more.

New Year’s Reality Check

Another year, another chance
To start our lives anew;
This time we’ll leap old barriers
To have a real breakthrough.

We’ll take one little step
And then we’ll take one more,
Our unlimited potential
We’ll totally explore.

We’ll show off all our talents
Everyone will be inspired;
(Hmm…while I’m writing this,
I’m getting very tired.)

We’ll give up all bad habits;
We’ll read and learn a lot,
All our goals will be accomplished,
Sigh...or maybe not.

Oh well, Happy New Year anyway!

New Year’s Resolutions

Each year I resolve with the strongest intent
To be better this year than the last.
And I work very hard; the rules hardly get bent,
But this discipline gets old so fast!

But with this new year I just know I’ll win out,
Just watch how I do and you’ll see!
I’m not going to have yet another blowout;
I’ll be good as I know I can be.

But, if wicked things beckon, and I’m not so strong,
If I weaken and fall on my act,
I’ll be thankful again that you’ll help me along
As you have during all new years past.

I’m so grateful that you’re my (title)! Happy New Year!

In The New Year

In the New Year,
we wish you the best year you’ve ever had,
and that each New Year
will be better than the last.
May you realize your fondest dreams
and take time to recognize and enjoy
each and every blessing.

Happy New Year,
And many more!

People Like You

A brand new year!
A clean slate on which to write
our hopes and dreams.
This year:
Less time and energy on things;
More time and energy on people.
All of life’s best rewards,
deepest and finest feelings,
greatest satisfactions,
Come from people--
People like you.

Happy New Year!

Pieces of Time

New years come and new years go,
Pieces of time all in a row.
As we live our life, each second and minute,
We know we’re privileged to have you in it.
Our appreciation never ends
For our greatest blessings: our family and friends.

Happy New Year!

New Year’s Eve Party Invitation

The New Year’s rolling in;
We’re planning quite a bash.
We need to have you here.
So it will be a smash!

We really want to see you;
We hope that you can make it.
So help us make our party fun,
Or we might have to fake it!

Just bring your awesome self (or "selves")
And what you want to drink.
And we’ll provide the other stuff,
Including the kitchen sink!

When you let us know you’ll come,
We’ll smile and shout "Whoopee!"
So sit right down and phone us
With your R.S.V.P!

The New Year’s Eve Party

The new year is coming; the party is near.
I’m sure looking forward to lots of good cheer.
I’ll be all dressed up in my snazziest best,
So I won’t disappear in the crowd like the rest.

I rap on the door and it opens to screams;
There are several guys hanging from high ceiling beams.
The guy in the lampshade looks ready to go,
As the girl on his shoulders shouts, "Giddy up Joe!"

I walk right on in to be one of the throng,
And they yell out my name while they bang a brass gong.
We laugh and we frolic, we dance and we sing,
(Is that my grandmother out there on the swing?)

This party is great, and the New Year looks bright.
Well, that’s how I dreamed it, while sleeping last night.
I’m thinking about you and wish you were here,
So I’m sending this poem to say Happy New Year!

Happy New Year Song

Happy New Year, Happy New Year,
Family, friends and colleagues, too.
May this new year be your best yet,
Happiness the whole year through.

Let’s all join to lift our glasses
In a toast to everyone.
To the old year now behind us,
To the new year, just begun.

(Repeat first verse)

The Gift of a New Year

Here’s to the year
that’s almost past its expiration date—2008.
We all had some surprises, didn’t we?
Some good, some distressing.
Let’s use everything we got from our experiences,
everything we learned,
to enrich the new year.

Here’s to the new year, 2009,
a gift we haven’t opened yet.
May its bright, shiny package
contain even more than we hope for.

And even while we’re delighting in new treasures,
let’s appreciate fully what we already have—
the blessings we take for granted.
Make a list, and check it twice.

And here’s to all you wonderful people
(wave glass around to encompass the whole group)
who are putting up with my toast;
I hope in the new year
you see yourselves the way I see you:
intelligent, interesting, and likable.

(Raise glass) To 2009:
May it give a whole new meaning
to the phrase, "the good life."

Fulfillment in the New Year

Here’s to the outgoing year, 2008:
May the good times live on in our memories,
and may we learn lessons from the troubling times
that will make us stronger and better than ever.

Here’s to 2009:
For each and every one of you,
may it be filled with significant steps
toward the fulfillment of your fondest wishes.

In this coming new year,
let us focus on our goals and work toward our dreams,
and yet (smile)
let’s all try to go with the flow a little more
and stress a little less.

And most important,
(wave glass around to encompass the whole group)
here’s to all of you.
Appreciate yourselves and each other in the new year
as I appreciate all of you now.
Let’s focus on each other’s good points
and choose to overlook minor annoyances
to create mutual happiness and contentment in 2009.

Here’s to 2009 (raise glass): Enjoy the journey!

New Year’s Toast

Here’s to the new year...
May it bring more joy and success
And less grief and regret.

To our dreams...
May we never stop believing in them
And taking the actions that will make them a reality.

To our friends, loved ones, associates (or colleagues)...
May we take the time to let them know
How much it means to us
To have them in our lives.

Let us encourage more and criticize less,
Give more and need less.
And whenever we can,
Let us create harmony and peace.

To new beginnings...
Let us start fresh, right now,
To make this the very best year ever.

A very Happy New Year to all of us!

Christian New Year’s Resolutions

How can I use the New Year
To better serve my Lord?
I’ll read my Bible every day,
And be more in accord.

I’ll find new ways to serve others;
I’ll love my neighbor, too.
I’ll focus on "give" instead of "get"
In everything I do.

I’ll forgive the people I’m mad at;
Angry feelings I’ll discard;
I’ll try to love my enemies,
Even though it’s hard.

In the new year, I’ll lift people up,
Instead of putting them down.
I’ll fill my heart with love and joy,
And never wear a frown.

I’ll let go of my worries;
I’ll put it all in His hands;
I’ll repent and try to sin less,
And obey all His commands.

These new year’s resolutions
Are difficult, at best,
But there’s something I can do each day
That will put my soul at rest:

I’ll love my Lord with all my heart,
With all my mind and soul,
And if I do that essential thing,
All the rest will be in control.

New Years Prayer

Dear Lord,
In the new year, we pray
that You will guide us each new day
in paths that are pleasing to You.
Lord, the new year gives us another chance
to rededicate our lives to You,
to study Your Word
so that we know right from wrong
and to act in accordance with Your commands.
Thank you for the sense of
direction, purpose and peace we get
from aligning our lives with Your Holy will.
We pray for the strength and the will to obey You
each and every day of the new year,
and when we fail, we pray for Your mercy,
Your compassion, Your grace and Your love.
Help us in the new year to be your faithful servants.
In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

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New Year Quotes

New Year Quotes
New Year Quotes

Here are some New Year Quotes.

- Youth is when you're allowed to stay up late on New Year's Eve. Middle age is when you're forced to. by - Bill Vaughn

- An optimist stays up until midnight to see the new year in. A pessimist stays up to make sure the old year leaves. by - Bill Vaughan

- Many people look forward to the new year for a new start on old habits. by - Author Unknown

- A New Year's resolution is something that goes in one year and out the other. by - Author Unknown

- Be always at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let each new year find you a better man. by - Benjamin Franklin

- No one ever regarded the First of January with indifference. It is that from which all date their time, and count upon what is left. It is the nativity of our common Adam. by - Charles Lamb

- New Year's Day is every man's birthday. by - Charles Lamb

- Never tell your resolution beforehand, or it's twice as onerous a duty. by - John Selden

- Year's end is neither an end nor a beginning but a going on, with all the wisdom that experience can instill in us. by - Hal Borland

- The merry year is born
Like the bright berry from the naked thorn.
by - Hartley Coleridge

- New Year's eve is like every other night; there is no pause in the march of the universe, no breathless moment of silence among created things that the passage of another twelve months may be noted; and yet no man has quite the same thoughts this evening that come with the coming of darkness on other nights. by - Hamilton Wright Mabie

- The Old Year has gone. Let the dead past bury its own dead. The New Year has taken possession of the clock of time. All hail the duties and possibilities of the coming twelve months! by - Edward Payson Powell

- Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right. by - Oprah Winfrey

- Ring out the old, ring in the new,
Ring, happy bells, across the snow:
The year is going, let him go;
Ring out the false, ring in the true.
by - Alfred, Lord Tennyson, 1850

- The proper behavior all through the holiday season is to be drunk. This drunkenness culminates on New Year's Eve, when you get so drunk you kiss the person you're married to. by - P.J. O'Rourke

- Every man should be born again on the first day of January. Start with a fresh page. Take up one hole more in the buckle if necessary, or let down one, according to circumstances; but on the first of January let every man gird himself once more, with his face to the front, and take no interest in the things that were and are past. by - Henry Ward Beecher

- New Year's Day: Now is the accepted time to make your regular annual good resolutions. Next week you can begin paving hell with them as usual. by - Mark Twain

- The new year begins in a snow-storm of white vows. by - George William Curtis

- For last year's words belong to last year's language
And next year's words await another voice.
And to make an end is to make a beginning.
by - T.S. Eliot, "Little Gidding"

- We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called Opportunity and its first chapter is New Year's Day. by - Edith Lovejoy Pierce

- Yesterday, everybody smoked his last cigar, took his last drink and swore his last oath. Today, we are a pious and exemplary community. Thirty days from now, we shall have cast our reformation to the winds and gone to cutting our ancient shortcomings considerably shorter than ever. by - Mark Twain

- People are so worried about what they eat between Christmas and the New Year, but they really should be worried about what they eat between the New Year and Christmas. by - Author Unknown

- And ye, who have met with Adversity's blast,
And been bow'd to the earth by its fury;
To whom the Twelve Months that have recently pass'd
Were as harsh as a prejudiced jury -
Still, fill to the Future! and join in our chime,
The regrets of remembrance to cozen,
And having obtained a New Trial of Time,
Shout in hopes of a kindlier dozen.
by - Thomas Hood

- Drop the last year into the silent limbo of the past. Let it go, for it was imperfect, and thank God that it can go. by - Brooks Atkinson

- Each age has deemed the new-born year
The fittest time for festal cheer.
by - Walter Scott

- Good resolutions are simply checks that men draw on a bank where they have no account. by - Oscar Wilde

- Glory to God in highest heaven,
Who unto man His Son hath given;
While angels sing with tender mirth,
A glad new year to all the earth.
by - Martin Luther

- A new oath holds pretty well; but... when it is become old, and frayed out, and damaged by a dozen annual retrying of its remains, it ceases to be serviceable; any little strain will snap it. by - Mark Twain, speech in New York City, 31 March 1885

- But can one still make resolutions when one is over forty? I live according to twenty-year-old habits. by - Andre Gide

- I do think New Year's resolutions can't technically be expected to begin on New Year's Day, don't you? Since, because it's an extension of New Year's Eve, smokers are already on a smoking roll and cannot be expected to stop abruptly on the stroke of midnight with so much nicotine in the system. Also dieting on New Year's Day isn't a good idea as you can't eat rationally but really need to be free to consume whatever is necessary, moment by moment, in order to ease your hangover. I think it would be much more sensible if resolutions began generally on January the second. by - Helen Fielding, Bridget Jones's Diary

- New Year's Eve, where auld acquaintance is forgot. Unless, of course, those tests come back positive. by - Jay Leno

- We meet today
To thank Thee for the era done,
And Thee for the opening one.
by - John Greenleaf Whittier

- One resolution I have made, and try always to keep is this: To rise above the little things. by - John Burroughs

- Of all sound of all bells... most solemn and touching is the peal which rings out the Old Year. by - Charles Lamb

- A happy New Year! Grant that I
May bring no tear to any eye
When this New Year in time shall end
Let it be said I've played the friend,
Have lived and loved and labored here,
And made of it a happy year.
by - Edgar Guest

- It wouldn't be New Year's if I didn't have regrets. by - William Thomas

- We spend January 1 walking through our lives, room by room, drawing up a list of work to be done, cracks to be patched. Maybe this year, to balance the list, we ought to walk through the rooms of our lives... not looking for flaws, but for potential. by - Ellen Goodman

- May all your troubles last as long as your New Year's resolutions. by - Joey Adams

- He who breaks a resolution is a weakling;
He who makes one is a fool.
by - F.M. Knowles

- The object of a New Year is not that we should have a new year. It is that we should have a new soul and a new nose; new feet, a new backbone, new ears, and new eyes. Unless a particular man made New Year resolutions, he would make no resolutions. Unless a man starts afresh about things, he will certainly do nothing effective. by - G.K. Chesterton

- I think in terms of the day's resolutions, not the years. by - Henry Moore

- Time has no divisions to mark its passage; there is never a thunder-storm or blare of trumpets to announce the beginning of a new month or year. Even when a new century begins it is only we mortals who ring bells and fire off pistols. by - Thomas Mann

- I made no resolutions for the New Year. The habit of making plans, of criticizing, sanctioning and molding my life, is too much of a daily event for me. by - Anaïs Nin

- Why won't they let a year die without bringing in a new one on the instant, can't they use birth control on time? I want an interregnum. The stupid years patter on with unrelenting feet, never stopping - rising to little monotonous peaks in our imaginations at festivals like New Year's and Easter and Christmas - But, goodness, why need they do it? by - John Dos Passos, 1917

- New Year's is a harmless annual institution, of no particular use to anybody save as a scapegoat for promiscuous drunks, and friendly calls and humbug resolutions. by - Mark Twain

- Every man regards his own life as the New Year's Eve of time. by - Jean Paul Richter

- The only way to spend New Year's Eve is either quietly with friends or in a brothel. Otherwise when the evening ends and people pair off, someone is bound to be left in tears. by - W.H. Auden

Universal experts

Bringing home the Bacon?

Sir Francis Bacon famously said, “I have taken all knowledge to be my province.” As a philosopher in the late 16th and early 17th centuries, Bacon could say such a thing without being thought ridiculous. It was still possible to be a Renaissance man with catholic interests. Today, however, even single fields of scientific endeavor have grown so broad as to defeat anyone's attempt to be acquainted with all of its aspects, let alone master them. Mathematicians, physicists, biologists, chemists—all are specialists who carve out particular areas within which they hone their expertise.

We nevertheless still enjoy the presence among us of latter-day Bacons. These contemporary universal scientists are willing to proclaim themselves and offer authoritative opinions on any topic. It seems a pity that instead of honoring their erudition, we most often hide our grins behind our hands and try not to chuckle too loudly. For some reasons, engineers seem to fall into this trap quite often, mistaking their training in one circumscribed field as the foundation for expertise in biology (see the Salem hypothesis). Engineers aren't alone in this. Mathematicians like William Dembski and semi-mathematicians like David Berlinski demonstrate that a head for numbers may also contains pockets of hard vacuum.

An example of one of these self-proclaimed universal experts wandered into the clutches of Judith Martin, who writes an etiquette feature under the name of “Miss Manners.” The following item is from her column of November 27, 2008, although it may have been published on other dates by various newspapers:

DEAR MISS MANNERS: I sometimes find myself in social gatherings where people are discussing some social or political issue with a single point of view clearly preferred by most or all other members of the group, when it is a point of view I cannot bring myself to share.

I am aware that sometimes (as in the case of climate change), this occurs because of my scientific background and my thus having certain knowledge that most people do not, while it sometimes has more to do with my inclination toward contrariness, a character trait that has horrified my wife and which I am working (with limited success) to reduce.

My personality traits aside, is it rude to respectfully share a fact that flies in the face of the apparent group consensus?

An example: “You may not know this, but for the past few years there has been a trend among scientists toward skepticism regarding global warming. Many feel the media is hyping the issue, and several have asked the U.N. to take their names off the report.”

Or is it better to remain silent and allow the discussion to continue on its course with more and more agreement, though I find it sad that such lovely, well-educated people could hold such ill-informed opinions?

GENTLE READER: It is not enough for you to supply the dialogue; Miss Manners would have to hear you speaking it and check out your audience.

She can imagine your words about the environment being said pleasantly, in the clear spirit of, “Well, there is another side to this,” in a freewheeling conversation among dedicated but open-minded friends.

But your wife’s reaction worries Miss Manners. It seems only too likely that you are enjoying your dissensions far too much. That is your cue to stop.
It's not a bad answer that Miss Manners gives, though it appears to err—understandably—on the side of politesse. Here's my answer, which is less constrained:
DEAR MR. KNOW-IT-All: Are you a climatologist? No? Then wherein does your “scientific background” lie? The consensus regarding global warming and climate change is stronger than ever among climatologists, so it would be interesting to learn the basis for your contention that there is a “trend among scientists toward skepticism.” (I hope you don't mean the pathetic list compiled by the Heartland Institute.) You state that “several have asked the U.N. to take their names off the report,” by which I presume you mean the the Fourth Assessment Report of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Can you name even one? There's Christopher Landsea, who left the IPCC over the issue of the impact of global warming on hurricanes, which is his specific area of expertise, but even Landsea does not deny the reality of global warming (“we certainly see substantial warming”). Can you name anyone else?

Your wife is right to be concerned that you are coming off as a pompous ass. If you keep quiet, perhaps no one will suspect.

I was reminded of the Miss Manners column when I noticed that PZ Myers had tossed a naive anti-evolution “expert” to the ravenous hordes over at Pharyngula. (I took a quick nip myself.) If you bother to read Halfway There then you're more than likely to have already seen PZ's post this morning on poor old Martin Patterson (“I just want to share what I have learned with other intellectuals”), but if you haven't, don't miss the fun.

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