Christmas Trivia

Christmas Trivia
Christmas Trivia

Christmas Trivia is that thing which will not be given importance but without which also Christmas is not like Christmas.

12 Days of Christmas Trivia

- In the pear tree, there is a partridge. This partridge stands for Jesus Christ.

- Two turtledoves symbolize Old Testament and New Testaments.

- Three French hens symbolize faith, hope and love.

- Four calling birds stand for four gospels.

- Five golden rings symbolize first five books of old testaments.

- Six geese symbolize six days of creation.

- Seven swans symbolize sevenfold gifts of spirit.

- Eight milking maids represent eight beatitudes.

- Nine dancing ladies symbolize nine fruits of spirit.

- Ten leaping lords symbolize Ten Commandments

- Eleven piping pipers signify eleven faithful disciples.

- Twelve drummers stand for twelve points in Apostle Creed. Enjoy the festive season with Christmas Carnivals.

Christian Christmas Trivia

- During early 1900s, Christmas tree decorated with dazzling lights is considered a status symbol. These Christmas lights were quite expensive. People used to hire them.

- After Second World War, electrical trees were no considered universal in United States.

- Although, Christmas is mainly a Christian celebration, still most of the Jewish people owned Christmas lighting companies.
- Usually, milk glass was used for making Christmas lights.

- Edward Johnson displayed electric Christmas lights first time in his house. He was one of the colleagues of Thomas Edison.

- Santa Claus was originated from a generous man St. Nicholas. During 4th century AD, he used to help poor and children by throwing gifts through their windows.

- In the year 1843, tradition of Christmas card started in England. Christmas cards are the best way to express emotions.

Christmas Bible Trivia

- In Bible, Caesar directed Mary and Joseph towards Bethlehem.

- Army of angels in bible is known as heavenly host.

- Do you know birth of Jesus took place in manger?

- Bethlehem was the native town of Joseph’s family.

- Magi in bible are three wise men.

Christmas Carol Trivia

- During middle ages, dances also accompany Christmas carols.

- One of the most known Christmas carol is Festival of Nine Lessons and carols.

- St Francis of Assisi marked the introduction of Christmas carols.

- If you are looking for the best selling all time favorite Christmas song then you may go for White Christmas by Irving Berlin. This album has crossed approximately 350 million copies.

- Guitar was the first instrument on which Christmas carol ‘Silent Night’ was played.

- In England, Oliver Cromwell banned Christmas carol from 1647 to 1660. Enjoy the festive season with Christmas Carnivals.

Christmas Food Trivia

- There is a tradition of serving goose in English, pigs in German, whereas turkey is served in America.

- If you are looking for traditional Christmas recipes then you may go for minced meat pies.

- Breads and cakes are some known Christmas recipes across the world.

Christmas History Trivia

- According to late Old English, Christmas is also referred as Cristes Maesse. Cristes Maesse means Mass of Christ.

- In earlier times, Christmas lights were quite expensive. To decorate their houses, people used to rent these lights.

- In earlier times, Christians used to decorate their homes with Saturnalia holly. During Roman pagan festival, this prevents persecution.

- Washington Irving had written a book, The Keeping of Christmas at Brace Bridge Hall. This book had a major share in the popularity of Christmas.

- In the year 1834, tradition of Christmas tree and Christmas Carols in Windsor Castle was brought by Prince Albert. He was the husband of Queen Victoria of Britain.

- The last US state that declared Christmas as a legal holiday was Oklahoma in the year 1860.

Christmas Movie Trivia

- Who was the coach of reindeer games?

- You may also ask the name of rabbit in magic hat.

- Name of magician with magic hat in frosty the snowman.

- You may also ask about the major reason for Grinch hatred for Christmas?

- You may also ask about the real name of Dr. Seuss.

- What was the name of Rudolph’s father?

Christmas Religious Trivia

- X-mas is the abbreviation of Christmas. This abbreviation is usually derived from Greek alphabet. According to Greek alphabet, Chi is the letter X. First letter of Christ’s name is Chi.

- British Parliament officially abolished Christmas celebration in the year 1643.

- In America, Puritans wanted to make Thanksgiving Day, as one of the most significant occasion instead of Christmas.

- St. Francis of Assisi marks the introduction of Christmas carols to the Church services.

- The traditional name of 26 December was St Stephen’s Day. It is also known as Boxing Day.

- In the year 1531, first printed Christmas tree came into existence in Germany.

- First Christmas tree for the royal family to Windsor castle was brought by Prince Albert in the year 1834. He was the husband of Queen Victoria.

- ‘Jesus is born’ was the first American Christmas Carol. John de Brebeur wrote this Christmas carol in the year 1649.

Christmas Story Trivia

- Origin of the word Christmas is from Cristes maesse or Christ mass. Christian across the world celebrates the birth of Jesus.

- Christmas gifts are one of the integral components of Christmas celebrations. The three wise men or Magi who brought gifts for Jesus started the tradition of Christmas gifts.

- Christmas is celebrated by Western Christians on December 25, whereas Eastern or Byzantine Christians celebrate Christmas on January 7.

- Christmas tree was originated in Germany.

- Between the year 1647 and 1660, Christmas carols during Christmas celebration were banned in England.

Christmas Trivia for Kids

- During Christmas celebration, the most commonly used flower is poinsettia.

- There are no Christmas trees in Italy. Small wooden stands of pyramid shape are decorated with fruit.

- In twelve days of Christmas, there are 364 gifts.

- Do you know the shortest verse in NIV Bible? It is ‘He said’.

- First cat of Simpsons was snoball1 and it was white.

- Puritans prohibited Christmas carols.

- In Bible, there are 1168 chapters and 30, 334 verses.

- In the year 1957, Christmas speech of queen was first time broadcasted on television.

- Origin of Christmas pudding is from an old Celtic dish referred as frumenty.

Christmas Trivia Game

- Elf Tic Tac Toe is an interesting Christmas trivia game for kids.

- Another interesting Christmas game is the decoration of Christmas tree. Kids will decorate Christmas tree with bells, stars and toys.

- Christmas eve clue hunt is another interesting Christmas game.

- Christmas box game is one of the immensely popular Christmas games. In this game, small gift is wrapped in succession of large boxes. Do not disclose about the layering of box.

Christmas Trivia Question

- Who was pretending to be a snowman in the song “Winter Wonderland”?

- What type of soul does frosty have in the song “Frosty the Snowman”?

- Is it true or false that Joseph informed Mary about her pregnancy?

- Suppose, if you got all Christmas gifts in the song “The Twelve Days of Christmas”, then how many Christmas gifts would you receive?

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