Ann Wagner for RNC Chairman Official Announcement. TEXT VIDEO

Ann Wagner announces her candidacy for RNC Chairman and details her vision for the future of the GOP.

Ann Wagner Hi. I'm Ann Wagner. As a former member of the Republican National Committee, I want to talk directly with you, the members of this Committee, about what we can do -- and, I believe, must do -- to fully change America's direction in 2012, and to decisively bring conservative Republican leadership to the presidency, Congress, and the states.

Today I am announcing that I am running for Chairman of the Republican National Committee. And I'm here to make a rock solid commitment to you and to ask for your confidence and your vote.
There is much we can and will accomplish together for the good of our nation. 2012 will be a challenging election cycle. The RNC needs to be funded to its maximum obligations. We must be efficient, relevant, professional and credible.

We must start immediately to erase past debt and to restore the confidence of our donor base. We must have these resources in order to take back the White House and complete the job that was started this year. Fundraising must come first. We also must have greater transparency and accountability when it comes to the RNC’s budget and expenditures. As a former Co-Chairman and member, I know how important it is for the RNC membership to be fully informed and engaged.

At the same time, we need to get "back to basics" and field a grassroots program that works closely with state parties and aggressively funds state Victory programs.

That means a well-financed micro-targeting effort. It means a strong field organization that is trained, funded and directed. Today's electoral cycle demands customized voter contact, voter identification and turnout programs that are tailored for each state’s election laws.

Redistricting is upon us. The GOP is well-positioned in many state capitals. I've held state leadership positions for the last two redistricting cycles, in 1991 and 2001. I know how to move our Party forward, through this often difficult and complex process to maximize our gains.

The world of communication has changed dramatically. Never have we had so many ways to communicate with voters. We must utilize all of them. That means new strategies for new media - especially for the 2012 Convention.

My lifetime of service to the Republican Party – a record of proven conservative leadership and results – has prepared me for this job. Today, I am asking for your trust and support.

I've served our party at all levels – as the Lafayette Township Committeewoman in St. Louis County – as Chairman of the Missouri Republican Party and as Co-Chairman of the Republican National Committee.

In Missouri, I have been at the very center of the effort to turn a battleground state into a reliably red state. When I chaired the Missouri Republican Party, we took control of both houses of our General Assembly for the first time in fifty years. We also elected a Republican governor and a Republican U.S. Senator, and delivered Missouri's Electoral College votes for George W. Bush in 2000 and 2004. We’ve grown from holding three of nine congressional districts to holding six of nine today.

I served two terms as Co-Chair of the RNC, traveling to 48 of 50 states focusing on building strong state party organizations and coalitions. While managing the office of Member Relations, I was and will remain a true advocate for the members of this committee.

Most recently, I served as Chairman of Roy Blunt's successful campaign for the U.S. Senate, where I focused on campaign strategy, fund raising, message development and bringing old and new elements of the grassroots together for an historic victory.

Over the years, I have written and directed state party victory plans, raised the money to implement them, managed multi-million dollar budgets, worked effectively with candidates, delivered our conservative message through the media, hired talented professionals to help get the job done, and have always known that party success starts and ends with real people doing real work to make a real difference.

Yes, I am a political operative – but more than that, I'm a devoted wife and mother from the middle of America. My husband of 23 years, Ray, and our three children are a solid foundation of support for me. Our son Raymond is a senior at West Point; Stephen is a sophomore at Washington University in St. Louis and Mary Ruth is a high school sophomore.

Like you, I am deeply concerned about the direction our left-wing adversaries are taking this country. Our freedoms and values are under assault. I'm concerned about soaring spending, massive debt, punitive tax increases, and an expansive government that seeks to control our businesses, communities and families.

I’m asking for your confidence and your vote to be the next Chairman of the Republican National Committee.

The cause is great – the time is now – our mission is not yet complete. Let’s do this together!


TEXT CREDIT: Ann Wagner For RNC Chairman:

IMAGE CREDIT: This image is a work of a United States Department of State employee, taken or made during the course of an employee's official duties. As a work of the U.S. federal government, the image is in the public domain per 17 U.S.C. § 101 and § 105 and the Department Copyright Information

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