Speaker-designate John Boehner to Host Summit Meeting with New GOP Governors VIDEO

New House Majority Seeks Collaboration with Reform-Minded Governors on Spending Cuts & Jobs, Including Repeal of Job-Killing Health Care Law

Washington (Nov 29)

House Speaker-designate John Boehner (R-OH) announced today that he will host a summit meeting in the U.S. Capitol on December 1st with the nation’s newly-elected Republican governors. Topping the agenda will be spending cuts and jobs -- including repeal of the job-killing health care law, an objective for which Boehner envisions a collaborative effort among reform-minded GOP governors and legislators similar to the one that resulted in enactment of the successful 1996 welfare reforms.

“Washington doesn’t have all the answers, and the best solutions usually come from outside the Beltway,” Boehner said. “Republicans may still be outnumbered in Washington, but with the American people and reform-minded governors standing with us, there’s a lot we can do together to stop runaway government spending and help small businesses get back to creating jobs.”

Governors-elect expected to attend include Robert Bentley (AL), Rick Scott (FL), Terry Branstad (IA), Sam Brownback (KS), Paul LePage (ME), Rick Snyder (MI), Brian Sandoval (NV), Susana Martinez (NM), John Kasich (OH), Mary Fallin (OK), Tom Corbett (PA), Nikki Haley (SC), Dennis Daugaard (SD), Bill Haslam (TN) and Matt Mead (WY). Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and other congressional Republicans are also expected to participate.

“Republican governors [have] cautioned their GOP counterparts in Washington to follow their examples and take advantage of the lean times by paring the size of government,” POLITICO recently reported. “The chief executives. . .see politically painful choices ahead but also a unique opportunity to respond to the public anger over spending and the desire for elected officials to confront thorny issues. . .[B]oth veteran and newly elected Republican governors argue that the GOP can seize the high ground by becoming the party of truth-telling about the country’s pressing fiscal difficulties.”


TEXT CREDIT: Republican Leader John Boehner

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