John Boehner Congratulates 2010-2011 Service Academy Nominees

2010-2011 Service Academy Nominees

Rep. Boehner congratulates his 2010-2011 8th District service academy nominees at a reception yesterday in West Chester. (courtesy of

Congressman John Boehner (R-West Chester) yesterday congratulated his United States Service Academy nominees for the class of 2015 and their families yesterday at a reception in West Chester, Ohio. A list of the 24 nominees is included below.

“These are the best and brightest kids in our district,” Boehner said. “They are going off to be educated and gain skills to help keep America free.”

Each year Boehner nominates select students for appointments to the U.S. Air Force, Merchant Marine, Military (West Point), and Naval Academies. An independent review board made up of local community leaders and veterans interviews each applicant and makes its recommendations to Boehner based on the academic achievement, athletic accomplishments, community involvement, commitment to service, and strength of character of each applicant.

A congressional nomination does not guarantee an appointment. Appointments are made solely by the respective academy.

Boehner represents Ohio’s 8th District, which includes all of Darke, Miami, and Preble counties, most of Butler and Mercer counties, and the northeastern corner of Montgomery County. He was first elected to Congress in 1990.

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U.S. Naval Academy

Brittany Wheat, Piqua High School

James Wilker, Versailles High School

Isaac Snapp, Piqua High School

Grace Jett, Troy Christian High School

Connor Vitek, Maritime Academy (Lakota West High School graduate)

Alex Monson, Lakota East High School

Jordan Ammon, Fairfield High School

Carter Adams, Fairfield High School

Paris Bess, Troy Christian High School

Adam Fabry, Lakota East High School

U.S. Military Academy

Reed Pyers, Miami East High School

Chris Daniel, Madison High School

Michael Kitching, Lakota East High School

Tucker Filbrun, Lakota East High School

David Fields, Lakota West High School

Adam Peltier, Marion Military Institute (Lehman Catholic High School graduate)

Carolyn Pitman, Lakota East High School

U.S. Air Force Academy

Jordan Boivin, Lakota West High School

Benjamin Lenos, Madison High School

Hannah Weeger, Fairfield High School

Logan Schneider, Lakota East High School

Kyle Hall, Milton-Union High School

Rikki Feightner, Piqua High School

Brandon Mullen, Lehman Catholic High School

TEXT CREDIT: Contact H-204 The Capitol Washington, DC 20515 P (202) 225-4000 F (202) 225-5117

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