Tell Congress to Stand Up to Pelosi on Taxes Crossroads GPS VIDEO
Crossroads GPS is running z $400,000 campaign of radio ads in 12 districts across the country to urge Congress to stand up for America’s struggling families and small businesses by passing tax relief for all taxpayers – not bow to Nancy Pelosi’s tax hike agenda. We need jobs, not job-killing taxes.
Listen to this sample of one of the radio ads targeting Gerry Connolly of Virginia’s 11th district.
The group also includes Gabrielle Giffords of Arizona, Jim Costa of California, Sanford D. Bishop Jr. of Georgia, Joe Donnelly of Indiana, Ben Chandler of Kentucky, Gary Peters of Michigan, Heath Shuler of North Carolina, Timothy H. Bishop of New York, Maurice D. Hinchey of New York, Bill Owens of New York and Jason Altmire of Pennsylvania.
Time is running out for Congress to extend tax relief to all Americans, but Nancy Pelosi is standing in the way. Tell your Congressman to stand up to Pelosi's tax hike agenda.
VIDEO CREDIT: CrossroadsGPSChannel