Lamar Alexander Votes Against Tax Hikes on 750,000 American Small Businesses

Lamar AlexanderSays, “You Don’t Raise Taxes on Anybody in the Middle of an Economic Downturn”

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.) today released the following statement on his votes against the Senate majority’s legislation that would allow taxes to increase on January 1st for more than 750,000 small businesses. American small businesses, according to the U.S. Department of Labor, create two-thirds of the country’s net new jobs:
“I am opposed to raising taxes on anybody right now. If you want to make it easier and cheaper to create private-sector jobs, you don’t raise taxes on anybody in the middle of an economic downturn.” # # #

TEXT and IMAGE CREDIT: Senator Lamar Alexander

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