Mike Pence Virginia Ruling Confirms Need For Obamacare Repeal

Mike Pence Detroit Economic ClubU.S. Congressman Mike Pence released the following statement today after a federal district judge in Virginia ruled that a major provision of ObamaCare is unconstitutional.

“Now that a federal judge has shown the individual mandate in ObamaCare to be unconstitutional, it's time to repeal it lock, stock and barrel.
A majority of Americans rejected ObamaCare long before it became law, and their frustration with this government takeover of health care has only grown. They know it’s time to repeal ObamaCare, with its budget-busting price tag and job-killing mandates, and replace it with common sense solutions that actually lower costs without growing the size of government.”

TEXT and IMAGE CREDIT: Congressman Mike Pence Washington D.C. Office 1431 Longworth HOB Washington, DC 20515 (p) 202 225-3021 (f) 202 225-3382

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