2011 CPAC Michele Bachmann Mitch McConnell Newt Gingrich VIDEO

Michele Bachmann (CPAC)2011 (CPAC) Michele Bachmann Mitch McConnell Newt Gingrich VIDEO 2011 Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) STREAMING VIDEO CPAC Morning Session. Running time 04:01:33

Washington, DC Thursday, February 10, 2011. Rep. Michele Bachmann calls on CPAC delegates to make President Obama a one-term leader.

# 9:15 AM Rep. Michele Bachmann (MN) Keynote Address
# 9:45 AM Sen. Ron Johnson (WI)
# 10:15 AM Sen. Pat Toomey (PA)
# 11:15 AM Rep. Kristi Noem (SD)
# 11:45 AM Rep. Raul Labrador (ID)
# 12:00 PM Senator Mitch McConnell (KY)
# 12:30 PM The Hon. Newt Gingrich

VIDEO and IMAGE CREDIT: c-span.org

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