Fred Upton Ed Whitfield James Inhofe The Energy Tax Prevention Act of 2011 FULL TEXT
![]() | Upton, Whitfield, Inhofe Unveil Energy Tax Prevention Act to Protect America’s Jobs & Families. The Energy Tax Prevention Act of 2011 FULL TEXT in PDF FORMAT |
Reps. Upton and Whitfield and Sen. Inhofe are releasing the draft as part of a deliberative process with their colleagues on both sides of the aisle to discuss the most effective approach to stop EPA’s cap and trade agenda. The draft legislation is based on the belief that 1) Congress, not EPA bureaucrats, should be in charge of setting America’s climate change policy; and that 2) A 2-year delay of EPA’s cap-and-trade agenda provides no meaningful certainty for job creators, fails to protect jobs, and punts decision-making in Congress on a critically important economic issue past the voters and the election next year.
“The Energy Tax Prevention Act of 2011” would:
* Stop EPA bureaucrats from making legislative decisions that should be made by Congress;
* Clarify that the Clean Air Act was not written by Congress to address climate change;
* Stop EPA bureaucrats from imposing a backdoor cap-and-trade tax that would make gasoline, electricity, fertilizer, and groceries more expensive for consumers; and
* Protect American jobs and manufacturers from overreaching EPA regulations that hinder our ability to compete with China and other countries.
“With this draft proposal, we are initiating a deliberative, transparent process that we hope will prevent EPA from imposing by regulation the massive cap-and-trade tax that Congress rejected last year. We firmly believe federal bureaucrats should not be unilaterally setting national climate change policy, and with good reason: EPA’s cap-and-trade tax agenda will cost jobs, undermine the competitiveness of America’s manufacturers, and, as EPA has conceded, will have no meaningful impact on climate. In other words, all cost with no benefit. America’s consumers, large and small businesses, farmers, and entrepreneurs should not carry this burden. We look forward to working with our colleagues on both sides of the aisle, and the Obama Administration, to pass and sign into law legislation that stops EPA, puts Congress in charge, and helps get our economy growing again.”
TEXT and IMAGE CREDIT: House Energy and Commerce Committee January 11, 2011 By Alexa Marrero, (202) 225-3641 or Sean Bonyun, (202) 225-3761 2125 Rayburn House Office Building | Washington, DC 20515 | (202) 225-2927