Paul Ryan Washington’s Spending Spree is Over
With respect to today’s effort to cut spending and spur economic growth, Chairman Paul Ryan issued the following statement:
“Washington’s spending spree is over. As House Republicans pledged – and voted to affirm on the House floor last week – the spending limits will restore sanity to a broken budget process and return spending for domestic government agencies to pre-stimulus, pre-bailout levels. Last year, House Democrats failed to pass, or even propose, a budget and the spending binge continued unchecked. After two consecutive trillion dollar budget deficits and with unemployment remaining unbearably high, we must chart a new course.
“The spending limit measure marks another step in House Republicans’ continued efforts to change Washington’s pervasive culture of spending. In one of our first acts in the new Majority, we voted to cut Congress’s own budget. We voted to cut trillions of dollars in new government spending by advancing a repeal of the President’s health care law. The President has asked for an increase in the national debt limit, but we must first work to enact serious spending cuts and reforms. Endless borrowing is not a strategy. Business as usual in Washington is not acceptable.
“House Republicans will continue to build upon this down payment, working to restrain the explosive growth of government and to help restart America’s engine of economic growth and job creation.”
The Chairman will establish this limit by filing a discretionary spending allocation when the U.S. House of Representatives returns to session next week. The measure will provide enforceable limits on discretionary spending bills for the remainder of the fiscal year until Congress adopts a budget resolution for Fiscal Year 2012.
For additional information: Fact Sheet on the FY2011 Discretionary Spending Allocation for the Appropriations Committee
Contact: Conor Sweeney 202-226-7270
TEXT CREDIT: Committee On The Budget