Tim Huelskamp Cosponsors Amendment to Defund Presidential Czars VIDEO
Congressman Huelskamp Cosponsors Amendment to Defund Presidential Czars
(WASHINGTON) – Kansas Congressman Tim Huelskamp cosponsored the “Scalise-Huelskamp” amendment to the Continuing Resolution that will defund the salaries and staff expenses of nine czars appointed by the President without Congressional consent.
“This administration has ignored the necessary role of ‘Advice and Consent’ in the hiring of more than 30 czars without the approval of Congress. It’s by far one of the most egregious examples of the Obama White House’s overreach,” Congressman Huelskamp said. “The unchecked power given to these czars shows an obvious disregard for the rule of law.”
“The policy priorities of these czars should be subject to Congressional oversight,” Congressman Huelskamp said. “I fought for government transparency when I was a state legislator, and I’ll do the same here in Washington. The President should not be allowed to manipulate our system of government when he wants it to serve his personal agenda.”
Some of the positions that will be defunded include:
* The Director of the White House Office of Health Reform;
* The Assistant to the President for Energy and Climate Change;
* The Special Envoy for Climate Change;
* The Special Envoy to oversee the closure of the Detention Center at Guantanamo Bay; and
* The Senior Advisor to the Secretary of the Treasury assigned to the Presidential Task Force on the Auto Industry and Senior Counselor for Manufacturing Policy.
TEXT CREDIT: Congressman Tim Huelskamp Washington, DC 126 Cannon HOB Washington, DC 20515 Phone: (202) 225-2715 Fax: (202) 225-5124 Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00AM-5:00PM Eastern time
VIDEO CREDIT: CongressmanHuelskamp