friendship day message


FRIENDSHIP isn’t how U forGet but how U forGive,
Not how U liSten but how U UnderStand,
Not what U see but how U feel,
and not how U Let Go but how U hold oN!!!


In this WORLD, where everything seems UNCERTAIN, only one thing is DEFINITE. You'll always be my FRIEND, beyond WORDS, beyond TIME & beyond DISTANCE!


Good FRIENDS CaRE for each Other.. CLoSE Friends UNDERSTaND each Other... and TRUE Friends STaY forever beyond words, beyond time...** WISH U A HAPPy FRIENDSHIP DAY


Friends r like fishes.
U have to sit patiently for a long time
to catch a good one.
Just like I caught u.
so better stay nice otherwise
I will FRY YOU..;)


good friend is like a computer,
He enters in your life,
Save himself in your heart,
Formats all your troubles
And never delete you from his heart.

Happy Friendship Day.


The times we shared is like shooting star
The time is short but really beautiful moments
Forever engraved in our hearts
Friends forever!!!


Promise me we are true friends
I am lamp you are light
I am Coke you are Sprite
I am Sawan you are badal
I am Normal you are Pagal
I am Water you are Tanki
I am Tarzan you are Monkey


I met U as a stranger, I leave U as a friend, as long as the world stands, our friendship nv ends. All friends nv split N even if they do they will meet again.


If u r a chocolate ur the sweetest, if u r a Teddy Bear u r the most huggable, If u r a Star u r the Brightest, and since u r my "FRIEND" u r the "BEST"!!!!!!!!!


If you open my heart, guess what u r gonna see? It's U. True friends are hard to find so I kept u.


your love so much that
you Dont have to ask

With whom you were'n
Trust ur friend that much tha

you Dont have to tell
Dont tell dis 2 anyone


We've known each other by CHANCE, became friends by CHOICE, still friends by DECISION. And when we say FRIEND FOREVER, that's definitely a lifetime PROMISE!


When I was born, GOD said, "Oh No! Another IDIOT". When you were born, GOD said, "OH No! COMPETITION". Who knew, one day these two will become FREINDS FOREVER


What is a friend? She looks out 4 u, inspires u, laughs with u, cries with u, understands u, guides u and walks with u. That's what a friend is... u.


Thank you, friend, for all the things
That mean so much 2 me

For concern and understanding
u give abundantly


EveRyDay I seE LoTs oF StRangErS PasSiNg By mE, ThiS mAkeS mE reAlisED tHat, LifE woUlD be BORING, WiThoUt A FriEnD LiKE U..


V smile at whom V Like, V cry for whom V care, V laugh with whom we enjoy, and V become angry with whom we feel is our own... That's Friendship... That's Love...


A friend that really cares!
All my secrets i can share!

There when i need a hand!
There to understand!


you are friendly, kind and caring
Sensitive, loyal and understanding

Humorous, fun, secure and true
Always there... yes that's you.


Friendship is sweet when it's new, Sweeter when its true, but sweetest when its u. When God gave friends he tried 2 b fair! When I got u, I got more than my share! Happy friendship day...!


Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart.


I MaY Not Be a cLocK ThaT maY TexT yOu 24hrs a DaY But My HeArt Will bE LikE a CloCk ThAt will nOt sToP CarIng & SayInG U r aLwaYs RemeMbEreD. TakE CaRe.


As long as we have memories, yesterday remains; as long as we have hope, tomorrow awaits. As long as we have Friendship, each day is never a waste. HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY!!!


A friend is a push when you have stopped, a chat when u r lonely, a guide when u r searching, a smile when u r sad, a song when u r glad.


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