Paul Ryan Fiscal Year 2012 Budget Resolution FULL TEXT VIDEO

This 3-minute video is a visualization of the House Republicans' budget, "The Path to Prosperity," presented by Rep. Paul Ryan, chairman of the House Budget Committee.

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Paul Ryan Fiscal Year 2012 Budget Resolution The Path to Prosperity: Restoring America's Promise Fiscal Year 2012 Budget Resolution FULL TEXT in PDF FORMAT


Article I of the U.S. Constitution grants Congress the power to appropriate funds from the Treasury, pay the obligations of and raise revenue for the federal government, and publish statements and accounts of all financial transactions.

By law, Congress is also obligated to write a budget representing its plan to carry out these transactions in the forthcoming fiscal years. While the President is required to propose his administration’s budget requests for Congress’s consideration, Congress alone is responsible for writing the laws that raise revenues, appropriate funds, and prioritize taxpayer dollars within an overall federal budget.

The budget resolution is the only legislative vehicle that views government comprehensively. It provides the framework for the consideration of other legislation. Ultimately, a budget is much more than a series of numbers. It also serves as an expression of Congress’s principles, vision and philosophy of governing.

This Budget Resolution for Fiscal Year 2012 intends to recommit the nation fully to the timeless principles of American government enshrined in the U.S. Constitution – liberty, limited government, and equality under the rule of law. It seeks to guide policies by those principles, freeing the nation from the crushing burden of debt that is now threatening its future.

This budget is submitted, as prescribed by law, to apply these principles, reflect this vision, and provide a framework for the orderly execution of Congress’s constitutional duties for Fiscal Year 2012 and beyond.

House Budget Committee | April 5, 2011

Statement of Constitutional and Legal Authority Summary of the Fiscal Year 2012 Budget Resolution

I. A Choice of Two Futures .................................................................................... 9
Components of the Federal Budget
The Crushing Burden of Debt
A Reform Agenda for the U.S. Government

II. Fiscal Year 2012 Budget Resolution ................................................................... 27
Efficient, Effective and Responsible Government.................................................................................... 28
Providing for the Common Defense
Streamlining Other Government Agencies
Restraining the Growth of Government by Repealing the Health Care Law
Ending Corporate Welfare
Changing Washington’s Culture of Spending
Strengthening the Social Safety Net ......................................................................................................... 38
Repairing a Broken Medicaid System
Stopping the Abuse of Medicaid by Repealing the Health Care Law
Protecting Assistance for Those in Need
Preparing the Workforce for a 21st Century Economy
Fulfilling the Mission of Health and Retirement Security for All Americans .................................... 44
Saving Medicare
Stopping the Raid on Medicare by Repealing the Health Care Law
Advancing Social Security Reforms
Pro-Growth Tax Reform .............................................................................................................................. 50
Simplifying the Tax Code for Individuals
Stopping Job-Destroying Tax Hikes by Repealing the Health Care Law
Making the Corporate Code More Competitive

III. The Path to Prosperity ........................................................................................ 55
Lifting the Crushing Burden of Debt
Removing the Hurdles to Economic Growth
Appendix I:

VIDEO and IMAGE CREDIT: HouseBudgetCommittee

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