Louie Gohmert Statement on the Release of President Obama’s Birth Certificate

Louie GohmertWashington - Rep. Louie Gohmert (TX-01) issued the following statement today after the White House’s decision to release President Obama’s birth certificate:

“For more than two years President Obama has failed to present his birth certificate for inspection. In early 2008, the New York Times and the Washington Post had raised a question about John McCain's eligibility since he was born in the Panama Canal Zone. Others raised questions about President Obama’s eligibility. These two ‘birther’ controversies exposed a flaw in the enforcement mechanism of our Constitutional eligibility requirement for U.S. presidential candidates.

Last Congress, I signed on as a co-sponsor to HR 1503 authored by Rep. Bill Posey which was not drafted to single out President Obama but for all future candidates beginning in 2012 to settle eligibility requirements before an election begins. HR 1503 was merely an enforcement mechanism for meeting the Constitutional requirements to run for this nation’s highest office.

It is truly distressing that the administration would wait so long to release such an important piece of documentation, when such a simple act was all it required. In my mind, a critically important action we could take in Congress is to eliminate similar controversies arising in future elections. Hopefully, all presidential candidates in future elections will avoid arrogant condescension and simply establish their qualification from the outset.”

Congressman Louie Gohmert is the Vice Chair of the Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism and Homeland Security. Prior to being elected to serve in Congress, Louie was elected to three terms as District Judge in Smith County, Texas. He also served as Chief Justice of Texas'12th Court of Appeals. # # #

Kimberly Willingham (202) 225-3035 Jonna Fitzgerald (903) 561-6349

TEXT and IMAGE CREDIT: Louie Gohmert WASHINGTON, DC OFFICE 2440 Rayburn HOB Washington, DC 20515 T (202) 225-3035 F (202) 226-1230 TX Toll Free (866) 535-6302

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