Americans for Prosperity Presidential Summit on Spending and Job Creation Manchester New Hampshire VIDEO

On April 29th, 2011 Americans for Prosperity Foundation hosted a Presidential Summit on Spending and Job Creation live from Manchester, NH.

Americans for Prosperity Foundation hosted the Presidential Summit on Spending and Job Creation in New Hampshire. Speakers included former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, former Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty, Congresswoman Michele Bachmann, former U.S. Senator Rick Santorum, and businessman Herman Cain. Watch the video above to see the full broadcast!

This is the first opportunity the presidential candidates will have to detail their plans on reining in government spending, ending budget deficits, and eliminating the national debt.

We’ve seen clearly where the current administration stands. Simply put, when it comes to budget deficits and debt, President Obama’s policies have been bankrupting America.

President Obama has increased discretionary spending by almost 25% during his first two years and over 55% when you include the failed $814 billion “stimulus” boondoggle passed in 2009.

His health care takeover legislation, if not overturned by the courts or Congress, will mean trillions more in big government waste and bureaucracy along with higher taxes and health care costs for American families and businesses.

Meanwhile, on his watch, Medicare has slipped still further down the road toward failure.

VIDEO IMAGE and TEXT CREDIT: Americans for Prosperity

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