Paul Ryan statement on Senate Democratics' budget Failure
His proposed FY2012 budget incorporates many of the reforms advanced in the House-passed FY2012 Budget Resolution, which puts the budget on the path to balance and the economy on the path to prosperity. I remain grateful to all Senate Republicans for their leadership in changing Washington’s culture of spending, and for their steadfast commitment to fiscal discipline.
“It is unfortunate that Senate Democratic leaders – along with President Obama – remain unwilling to put forward credible solutions to avert the debt-fueled economic crisis before us. Senate Democrats failed to pass a budget last year, and have already missed the deadline for passing a budget this year. Will they continue to push false attacks and use scare tactics on our solutions, or will they work with Congressional Republicans and the American people to advance a budget that meets the challenges of today?”
Contact: Conor Sweeney 202-226-7270
TEXT CREDIT: Committee on the Budget: U.S. House of Representatives 207 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515