Paul Ryan statement on Senate Democratics' budget Failure

Paul Ryan GOP Response to President Obama's 2012 Budget RequestWashington – Yesterday, House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan called upon Democratic leaders to join Congressional Republicans’ efforts to advance serious solutions to America’s most pressing fiscal and economic challenges. In response to another solution put forward by Congressional Republicans, Ryan issued the following statement:

“I appreciate the hard work of my friend Senator Pat Toomey in putting forward specific proposals to address our nation’s fiscal and economic challenges.

His proposed FY2012 budget incorporates many of the reforms advanced in the House-passed FY2012 Budget Resolution, which puts the budget on the path to balance and the economy on the path to prosperity. I remain grateful to all Senate Republicans for their leadership in changing Washington’s culture of spending, and for their steadfast commitment to fiscal discipline.

“It is unfortunate that Senate Democratic leaders – along with President Obama – remain unwilling to put forward credible solutions to avert the debt-fueled economic crisis before us. Senate Democrats failed to pass a budget last year, and have already missed the deadline for passing a budget this year. Will they continue to push false attacks and use scare tactics on our solutions, or will they work with Congressional Republicans and the American people to advance a budget that meets the challenges of today?”


Contact: Conor Sweeney 202-226-7270

TEXT CREDIT: Committee on the Budget: U.S. House of Representatives 207 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515


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