Sshhh...Its Ladies Talk

There are many things in the world that are considered as taboos to speak. Though most of them are now topics of discussions, menstruation is still a 'girl's talk' topic. Even the females who represent themselves as highly modern feel embarrassed to discuss this matter in front of their opposite gender.

According to Oxford dictionary, the word menstruate means "to lose blood once a month from the part of the body where a baby would develop (that is the womb)". Also called periods informally, this is such an activity, which is later responsible for giving birth to a baby. A girl is considered to be grown up once she has menstruation every month.

Even if, the world has developed so much, periods and sanitary napkins are subjects that are not exposed as serious topics of discussion. Just like the name of anti-hero of Harry Potter that should not be spelt and is addressed as 'You-Know-Who', females have to find alternate names for this process.

A lady during her monthly menstruation is considered as impure by many communities and is forbidden to enter places of worship. There are many sections that make her to sit inside a room for three days restricting all her freedoms. These cruel imprisonments happen even now.

Actually, is a lady with her monthly periods, an impure one? Long back,it was a rule created in favor of ladies to allow them to take rest for three days. But now these are burdens and are high time to throw of these old rules for woman to get empowered in all areas.

For the ladies to move up, they are the ones who should get rid of all these shyness. It is a biological process and so it has to be seen just like other activities of human body. After all, woman is never weak because she can bleed for a week in every month and still remain healthy!!!

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