Nikki Haley This Week with Christiane Amanpour VIDEO

Nikki Haley, "I will tell you we do not want a Massachusetts health care plan in South Carolina ... I think that he will have to continue to deal with that issue. I think he's going to have to talk about how that was not good for the country. That wouldn't be a good thing that we'd want to mandate on all of our states."

"The interesting thing was he was one of the only governors that showed courage when it came to dealing with health care, I think that we are looking for a leader that's willing to, one, make courageous stands, take strong policy decisions, but two, also admit when a mistake was made ... Every candidate's going to have their challenge, I certainly think that's going to be his challenge,"

"I think that Newt Gingrich has dealt with a lot of issues in the past, and I think now he's going to have to show that he's got those ideas to deal with the future."

VIDEO and TEXT CREDIT: This Week with Christiane Amanpour

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