John Boehner Tonight’s Debt Limit Vote Shows the House Is Listening to the American People

John Boehner

Speaker Boehner leads an event with House Republicans today unveiling A Plan for America’s Job Creators. The plan builds on the Pledge to Americaand is designed to foster innovation and investment, tackle our debt, and help business owners create jobs without raising taxes on working families and small businesses. May 26, 2011.
WASHINGTON, DC (May 31) House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) released the following statement after the House of Representatives rejected a plan by President Obama that would threaten American jobs by raising the debt limit without making significant spending cuts and budget reforms:

“Tonight’s vote shows the House is listening to the American people. The Obama Administration and congressional Democrats have repeatedly asked for a debt limit hike without any spending cuts and budget reforms, and the American people simply will not tolerate it. Raising the debt limit without major spending cuts and meaningful reforms would hurt our economy and destroy more jobs, adding to our debt crisis. Today the House stood with the American people and said very clearly that this course of action is unacceptable.

Republicans have passed a budget and outlined a pro-growth job creation plan that pays down our debt over time. We need to create a better environment for private-sector job growth by stopping Washington from spending money it doesn’t have, not by raising taxes and adding more debt onto the backs of our kids and grandkids.”

NOTE: According to Resurgent Republic, a recent survey showed “President Obama’s request to raise the federal debt limit without any preconditions related to limiting spending” is “opposed by 9 in 10 voters.” Stanford economist John B. Taylor says “linking the debt limit to spending reductions” is “essential to a credible return to sound fiscal policy and an end to the ongoing debt explosion.”

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TEXT CREDIT: Speaker of the House John Boehner Contact: H-232 The Capitol Washington, DC 20515 P (202) 225-0600 F (202) 225-5117

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