The House Republican Plan for America’s Job Creators.Empowering Families, Small Businesses and Entrepreneurs FULL PDF VIDEO

The House Republican Plan for America’s Job Creators.Empowering Families, Small Businesses and Entrepreneurs FULL TEXT in PDF FORMAT

Speaker Boehner and Leader Cantor on the Plan for America's Job Creators.


House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) made the following remarks at an event with House Republicans today unveiling a Plan for America’s Job Creators. The plan builds on the Pledge to America and is designed to foster innovation and investment, tackle our debt, and help business owners create jobs without raising taxes on working families and small businesses. The VIDEO and TEXT TRANSCRIPT of Speaker Boehner’s remarks are above and below:

Plan for America’s Job Creators

“Since the moment Americans entrusted us with the majority, our focus has been on job creation. Americans continue to look at all the ‘stimulus’ spending that was enacted under the current administration and ask the question, ‘Well then, where are the jobs?’ Our focus in the House since January has been on passing reforms that would take a different approach – policies aimed at creating an environment for long-term job growth. It starts with the Pledge to America, which focused on helping small businesses create jobs and reining in our massive debt that is hurting economic growth. And so far this year we’ve kept our pledge by passing legislation to ease the regulatory burden, expand American energy production, repeal the job-crushing health care law, and many more.

“Unfortunately, rather than joining Republicans in focusing on policies that create jobs and promote economic growth, the Democrats who control Washington continue to propose higher taxes, more ‘stimulus’ spending, and even more regulations. That’s a recipe for economic uncertainty for private-sector job creators and it won’t help families and small businesses who are struggling to make ends meet. Listen, I used to be a small businessman before I got into this. I know what it takes to create jobs and then meet a payroll. And I know that every tax dollar the government takes is a dollar that Americans are unable to invest in their family, their business, or our economy.

“So today we are unveiling a Plan for America’s Job Creators that’s focused on creating lasting economic growth and job creation. It builds on our Pledge to America and the legislative action that we’re already taking this year to create jobs, which the Democrats continue to block. It will remove government obstacles to private-sector growth – the kind of real economic growth that the Obama ‘stimulus’ proposed but failed to deliver.

“The truth is we’ll never balance our budget and rid our children of debt until we cut spending AND have real economic growth. That’s why both House & Senate Republicans are focused on creating a better environment for private sector job creation. Helping Americans get back to work is our number one priority, and we’re going to do everything we can to help create jobs and to boost our economy.”

TEXT CREDIT: Speaker of the House John Boehner H-232 The Capitol Washington, DC 20515 P (202) 225-0600 F (202) 225-5117



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