Gary Johnson, we should balance the budget tomorrow VIDEO
THE U.S. IS BORROWING OR PRINTING MORE than 40 cents of every dollar the government spends today. The math is simple: Federal spending must be cut not by millions or billions, but by trillions. And it must be done today.
It's time to:
* End excessive spending, bloated stimulus programs, unnecessary farm subsidies, and earmarks.
* Reassess the role of the federal government and identify responsibilities that can be met more efficiently by the private sector.
* Recognize that you can't have limited government at home, but big government abroad.
AS AMERICANS, WE HAVE A RIGHT TO understand the process by which our currency is being created and managed.
* Conduct an audit to provide true transparency of the Federal Reserve's lending practices.
* Establish Congressional oversight to ensure price stability.
* Get the Federal Reserve out of the business of propping up the stock market through quantitative easing.
TEXT and IMAGE CREDIT: Gary Johnson 2012