Gary Johnson, we should balance the budget tomorrow VIDEO

THE U.S. IS BORROWING OR PRINTING MORE than 40 cents of every dollar the government spends today. The math is simple: Federal spending must be cut not by millions or billions, but by trillions. And it must be done today.

It's time to:

* End excessive spending, bloated stimulus programs, unnecessary farm subsidies, and earmarks.
* Reassess the role of the federal government and identify responsibilities that can be met more efficiently by the private sector.
* Recognize that you can't have limited government at home, but big government abroad.

Gary JohnsonMOST PEOPLE IN WASHINGTON SEEM TO THINK that we can control spending and balance the budget without reforming Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security. This is lunacy.

* Identify and implement common-sense cost savings to place Medicare on a path toward long-term solvency.
* Block grant Medicare and Medicaid funds to the states, allowing them to innovate, find efficiencies and provide better service at lower cost.
* Repeal ObamaCare, as well as the failed Medicare prescription drug benefit.
* Fix Social Security by changing the escalator from being based on wage growth to inflation. It's time for Social Security to reflect today's realities without breaking trust with those soon to retire.

AS AMERICANS, WE HAVE A RIGHT TO understand the process by which our currency is being created and managed.

* Conduct an audit to provide true transparency of the Federal Reserve's lending practices.
* Establish Congressional oversight to ensure price stability.
* Get the Federal Reserve out of the business of propping up the stock market through quantitative easing.


TEXT and IMAGE CREDIT: Gary Johnson 2012

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