Louie Gohmert Statement on the Release of President Obama’s Birth Certificate

Louie GohmertWashington - Rep. Louie Gohmert (TX-01) issued the following statement today after the White House’s decision to release President Obama’s birth certificate:

“For more than two years President Obama has failed to present his birth certificate for inspection. In early 2008, the New York Times and the Washington Post had raised a question about John McCain's eligibility since he was born in the Panama Canal Zone. Others raised questions about President Obama’s eligibility. These two ‘birther’ controversies exposed a flaw in the enforcement mechanism of our Constitutional eligibility requirement for U.S. presidential candidates.

Last Congress, I signed on as a co-sponsor to HR 1503 authored by Rep. Bill Posey which was not drafted to single out President Obama but for all future candidates beginning in 2012 to settle eligibility requirements before an election begins. HR 1503 was merely an enforcement mechanism for meeting the Constitutional requirements to run for this nation’s highest office.

It is truly distressing that the administration would wait so long to release such an important piece of documentation, when such a simple act was all it required. In my mind, a critically important action we could take in Congress is to eliminate similar controversies arising in future elections. Hopefully, all presidential candidates in future elections will avoid arrogant condescension and simply establish their qualification from the outset.”

Congressman Louie Gohmert is the Vice Chair of the Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism and Homeland Security. Prior to being elected to serve in Congress, Louie was elected to three terms as District Judge in Smith County, Texas. He also served as Chief Justice of Texas'12th Court of Appeals. # # #

Kimberly Willingham (202) 225-3035 Jonna Fitzgerald (903) 561-6349

TEXT and IMAGE CREDIT: Louie Gohmert WASHINGTON, DC OFFICE 2440 Rayburn HOB Washington, DC 20515 T (202) 225-3035 F (202) 226-1230 TX Toll Free (866) 535-6302

Paul Broun Statement on Obama Birth Certificate

Paul Collins Broun, Jr. M.D.Congressman Broun released the following statement after the White House produced President Barack Obama’s long form birth certificate two years after he started running for the position:

"I am more interested in President Obama producing a budget that actually cuts spending and removes the regulatory burden on small businesses so they can create jobs and grow our economy. Or perhaps he can produce a realistic energy policy to help ease the pain at the pump Americans are feeling by reducing our dependency on foreign sources. Regardless, until the President is ready to produce something that isn't a ‘commission’, political speech, or a document two years overdue – Republicans in Congress will continue to work tirelessly to produce the kind of economic solutions that the American people are demanding."

TEXT CREDIT: Congressman Paul Broun, M.D. Washington D.C. Office 325 Cannon House Office Bldg Washington, D.C. 20515 Phone: (202) 225-4101 Fax: (202) 226-0776

James Lankford Weekly Republican Address TEXT PODCAST VIDEO 04/29/11

Podcast of the address: Download MP3 for PODCAST || FULL TEXT TRANSCRIPT BELOW.

Hello, my name is James Lankford, and I’m a freshman member of Congress, working for the people of Oklahoma’s 5th Congressional District.

James LankfordWhen I listen to my constituents about the challenges they face, skyrocketing cost of gasoline is at the top of the list. Prices at the pump have nearly doubled since President Obama took office, making everyday life like driving to work, buying groceries, picking up kids at school and visiting family more expensive.

Even worse, the rising price of fuel is costing jobs and hurting our economy. Higher energy prices hit virtually every American product and industry, making it more expensive to manufacture products, more expensive to ship goods, and more expensive for farmers and ranchers. In fact, higher energy costs make everything made in the USA more expensive, and send more good-paying jobs overseas.

Americans are looking for leadership to tackle the rising gas prices, but President Obama has only offered a tax increase on energy and the prospect of reduced supply. For more than two years, his administration has knowingly increased energy prices by choking off new sources of traditional American energy and smothering our economy in new energy regulations. His latest proposal hiking taxes by billions of dollars will not lower gas prices and would actually make the problem worse.

In my state, and in many other states, thousands of people depend directly on American energy production for their paychecks. The president may think he’s punishing CEOs of big companies, but his plan will hurt the everyday consumer of energy and imperil the jobs of millions of hardworking people in American-based companies.

There is a better way. Republicans are focused on expanding all American energy production to help lower costs, reduce our dependence on foreign oil, and create millions of American jobs.

Next week, the House of Representatives will begin this process by passing legislation to increase the supply of American energy and create jobs. This legislation is part of our American Energy Initiative, an ongoing effort to lower costs and allow the private sector to create more American jobs.

Quite simply, if the president chooses to punt on real long-term solutions for energy and gas prices, we will take the lead.

Two weeks ago, I was proud to cast my vote in the House for a budget that promotes economic growth and job creation by putting us on a path to pay down our debt, and preserve Medicaid and Medicare for current retirees and future generations. Our national debt is worse than most people realize. We must solve our budget problem, not just talk about the crisis.

The president’s budget proposal fails to offer a credible plan that meets the nation’s challenges in a serious manner. He considers it radical and extreme to balance the budget by doing what every American business and family does in tough times they reduce spending.

We need to be honest with the American people. Washington should not overspend, then go to the American people and demand a tax increase because we cannot make the tough decisions.

And, we cannot ignore the fact that tens of millions of baby boomers are beginning to retire while Medicare is already teetering at the brink of insolvency. We must stabilize, and protect Medicare and Medicaid.

Let me be clear, The Republican plan would not affect current Medicare beneficiaries, or any American 55 or older. To address Medicare’s looming insolvency though, we put in place a plan to save Medicare for those under 55. We want them to have access to the same kind of medical retirement options that members of Congress and all federal employees benefit from.

The president’s proposal protects the status quo: an unsustainable system that will bankrupt Medicare and lead to future deep, painful benefit cuts for seniors, while continuing to pile trillions of dollars of obligation on the backs of future generations.

The world is watching to see how we’ll handle our debt. Everyone wants to know if we’ll just pile up more debt with no plan to ever pay it off, or if we will find a way to permanently work on our national debt.

The president wants us to raise the debt limit with no real reforms to stop future Washington spending binges. To let Washington borrow even more money from the Chinese and hand the bill to our kids and grand kids. This would be a stark moment in American history, when a president would intentionally declare, ‘times are tough, I think I’ll make life tougher on my kids and grandkids’ generation to make life easier on me and my generation.’

We have responded differently. The American people will not tolerate an increase in the debt limit unless it comes with meaningful steps to cut Washington spending and start working us out of debt. No more blank checks and huge bills on our children so someone in Washington can retain power.

On gas prices, the budget and the debt limit, we will continue to offer real solutions to lower gas prices, create jobs, and ensure the next generation still has a shot at the American dream.

Our nation’s been through difficult times before. We can do this if we will work together to solve the problems instead of just talking about them. May God bless our families and our great nation. Thank you for listening. ####

VIDEO and IMAGE CREDIT: HouseConference

The pope makes stuff up

So what else is new?
[Pilate] took water, and washed his hands before the multitude, saying, I am innocent of the blood of this just person: see ye to it. Then answered all the people, and said, His blood be on us, and on our children.
These lines from chapter 27 of the gospel of Matthew are notorious in history for their use as warrant for the persecution of Jews. The supposedly inerrant word of God has put self-condemnation in the mouths of the Jewish people who called for the death of Jesus. Anti-Semites thus justified their characterization of Jews as “Christ-killers.”

The Roman Catholic Church did not scruple to join in the persecution of the Jews, although popes like John XXIII and John Paul II took particular pains to disavow this less savory aspect of past centuries. Benedict XVI is eager to follow in the footsteps of his distinguished predecessors. While John convened the Second Vatican Council (which declared that the Jewish people were not to be held responsible for deicide) and John Paul paid his respects at the Great Synagogue of Rome, Benedict intends to outshine them both. He figures to do so by rewriting the plain language of Matthew's gospel. One has to admire the German pope's boldness.

Of course, “rewriting the Bible” has long been charged against the popes of Rome by those who disagree with the centuries-old accumulation of Catholic dogma and tradition. It seems unkind to single out the papacy for this practice, given that all branches of Christianity regularly indulge in it. As an unchurched materialist, I don't feel any particular need to choose sides. However, Benedict's new gloss on Matthew 27 seems exceptionally egregious and worthy of note.

The pope's reinterpretation of Matthew is included in the second volume of his treatise Jesus of Nazareth, recently published in the United States by Ignatius Press. Robert Moynihan, editor-in-chief of Inside the Vatican magazine, waxed ecstatic in an article in the April 2011 issue.
What is new about the Pope's interpretation of the cry “his blood be on our heads” is that Benedict makes explicit an argument, a truth, that I don't think any other Christian teacher has ever proposed so strongly in this way: not that this cry (“let his blood be upon us”) was not uttered; not that the Jewish crowds did not say this; but that they did not have any comprehension, not the slightest inkling, of what they were actually crying out for: that they would have upon them or over them a protection of innocent, sacrificial blood, the blood of this sinless, rejected king, who, though rejected, would not, in the end, be a curse to them, but a blessing, not their condemnation, but their salvation.
Did you follow that? According to Moynihan, the pope is arguing that the first-century Jews were inadvertently calling for their salvation—asking to be bathed in the blood of the Lamb. Of course, that's not usually what someone intends when calling for a person's blood, but what a nice thought to contemplate the happy circumstance of accidental salvation.

Contemporary Christians who avoid the sin of anti-Semitism usually deal with Matthew by acknowledging that it's improper to blame the entire Jewish race for the blood-lust of those who screamed in favor of crucifixion. They still treat the gospel as a historical account, but try not to read too much into it. Benedict has instead decided to read more into Matthew than anyone has ever done before, finding a novel slant on bloodthirstiness. As Moynihan puts it, “This is a profound religious and mystical insight on the Pope's part, and, as far as I know, completely original.”

Damned right.

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Australia Mothers Day

Australia Mothers Day
Australia Mothers Day
Australia Mothers Day
Australia Mothers Day
Australia Mothers Day
Australia Mothers Day
Australia Mothers Day
Australia Mothers Day
Australia Mothers Day
Australia Mothers Day
Australia Mothers Day

every year the second Sunday of the month May is Mother's Day in Australia.

here are the dates of Australia Mothers Day:

1. Year 2011 - Sunday, May 8, 2011

2. Year 2012 - Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mothers Day Date

Mothers Day Date
Mothers Day Date
Mothers Day Date
Mothers Day Date
Mothers Day Date
Mothers Day Date
Mothers Day Date
Mothers Day Date
Mothers Day Date
Mothers Day Date
Mothers Day Date
Mothers Day Date
Mothers Day Date

The mothers day date in the United States:

1. 2009 - Sunday, May 10th

2. 2010 - Sunday, May 9th

3. 2011 - Sunday, May 8th

4. 2012 - Sunday, May 13th

5. 2013 - Sunday, May 12th

remember its different in other countries.

Mothers Day 2011

Mothers Day 2011
Mothers Day 2011
Mothers Day 2011
Mothers Day 2011
Mothers Day 2011
Mothers Day 2011
Mothers Day 2011
Mothers Day 2011
Mothers Day 2011
Mothers Day 2011
Mothers Day 2011
Mothers Day 2011
Mothers Day 2011

I am celebrating my mothers day 2011 with my whole family.

we live in UK and traveling to US for mothers day.

till now we are keeping it secret to our mother.

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